I like using grenades and c4. I use it everytime i respawn. I'm not that good so i respawn alot hence i have alot of grenades and c4 to use and occasionally i use side pack mod. In a recent game i was called a sad c4 user and votekicked. Unless c4 is banned from server then i dont see any problem with using c4, which wasnt the case. I was sniping in wall street and planted c4 on level below. Opponent ran towards i blew him. Second incident planted c4 in my vicinty, opponent runs toward me with marshall. As he jumps around trying to hit me i left the area and BOOM. Votekick begins. It wasnt a suicide c4 thingy. I left opponent behind jumpin around. Whats wrong about that? And how is c4 supposed to be used so players dont get upset?