According to Lore:
The Horme
According to the lore, there is an important bandit faction in Skyrim that has played a role in politics, supporting secession from the Empire. Hopefully they are still around as of the year 4E 200s
"The Horme, also known as the Horme Bandits, was a powerful quasi-miltarial bandit and maurauder organization that existed during the Third and Fourth Eras. The Horme was originally founded as a way for Potema Septim, the Wolf Queen of Solitude, to increase her military strength by recruiting bandits, marauders, and mercenaries. The Horme fought in the War of the Red Diamond where it was defeated, but not destroyed, by the Imperial Legion. Potema and Uriel Septim III did not survive this conflict and the Horme scattered into the Jerall, Valus, and Velothi Mountains. Eventually, they were reforged by a high ranking member of the Horme, and set about raiding and destroying Imperial interests in the provinces of High Rock, Skyrim, Morrowind, and northern Cyrodiil. After being united again, the Horme gained members and eventually became one of the major organizations rebelling against the Septim Empire, and later the Republic of Tamriel."
How do you pronounce "Horme?"
Horm? Horm-aih? Horm-uh?
I need to know form my voice actors. THANKS!