I have done a reinstall of my computer and have now installed Skyrim. My question is as the topic says: "How's the best way to install mods?"
I want to do this right from the beginning.
Also, i have this mod Skills Level Faster: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=8827 and i wonder if there is a mod on Nexus that does the same thing, or almost the same thing.
I prefer to use NMM.
This is my mod list, not my load order. Nothing is installed right now at the moment.
Als Dead Dragon Giant Camp-13121-1-0.7z
Als Elsweyr Rift SKSE with Staff Enchanter-25824-1-1.7z
Als Konahrik-30643-1-0.7z
Als Paragon Reward Chest-30633-1-0.7z
Als Revakzoor - Lair of Mythic Dragons - Unfairly Difficult Mod-35295-1-0.7z
Als Treasure Map Reward - The Frozen Hoard-30765-1-0 (2).7z
Als Treasure Vault-9994-1-4.7z
Als Vault of the Old Slayer-30915-1-0.7z
Alternate Start - Live Another Life-9557-2-3-2.7z
Al_s --Nothing Sells For Zero Gold-- Tweak-7728-1-0.zip
Better Dialogue Controls v1_2-27371-1-2.zip
Better Dynamic Snow 2-20-10383-2-20.7z
Better Item Sorting-14319-1-0-4.rar
Better Leveling Merchants and Speechcraft-15107.rar
Blood From A Stone-34562-1-0-0.rar
Caliente Female Body Mod BBE v3-2-2666-3-2-3.7z
Calientes Vanilla Armor -- Combined Pack v2-1-0-12273-2-1-0.7z
Categorized Favorites Menu Oni Edition Version 1_8_Widescreen Version-22307-1-8b.rar
Deadlier Poison Remastered-18091-1-1.rar
Dragon Chiseled-27095-2-1.7z
EDT 2 v101-39394-101.7z
ELFX Dawnguard-27043-0-3.7z
Enhanced Lights and FX-27043-0-3.7z
Even Better Quest Objectives-32695-1-3-3-2.7z
Heart Breaker - A Killmove Mod 1-11-32598-1-11.7z
Hectrol CAVES DELUXE HighRes Retex 2K-29145-1-0.7z
HQ3DMap - Meshes Hi-Res-4817-2-0.7z
Jiubs Opus Quest Markers-21809-1-2.rar
Levelers Tower V35 Resources-14152-3-5.7z
Levelers Tower v35a ESM-14152-3-5a.7z
Long Lost Chopping Blocks of Skyrim-8298-1.rar
Long Lost Smelters Of Skyrim Skyforge Included-8298-1-8.rar
Main menu music and texture replacer - Windy Malukah-30121-1-0.rar
Map Markers Shrines and Temples 2 2-25217-2-2.zip
More Dragon Loot-10050-R4.rar
More Map Markers English Version-25992-1-0.zip
Night Eye Toggle-951-1-1.rar
PerQ English-5451.rar
Ruins_Clutter_Improved_v2-5 NMM Installation-14227-2-5.7z
Shenk Thievery Overhaul Latest-10336-3-31.zip
Shout Like a Dragon - DG and DB-35045-1-0.7z
Skills Level Faster
Skyforge Smelter including Tanning Rack-8298-1.rar
Skyrim -Community- Uncapper v1_15_1_1-1175-1-15-1-1.rar
Skyrim Flora Overhaul Basic v181b-141-v1-81b.7z
Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Dungeons-607.7z
Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape-607.7z
Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Misc-607.7z
Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Towns-607.7z
Skyrim HD v1_6 FULL - Riften-607-1-6.7z
SMIM v1-47-8655-1-47.7z
Toggle Vampire sight-951.rar
Ultimate HD Fire Effects -Ultra Version--28642-1-9.zip
Ultimate HD Torch 1_3-28060-.rar
Unofficial Dawnguard Patch-23491-1-2-3.7z
Unofficial Dragonborn Patch-31083-1-0-4.7z
Unofficial Hearthfire Patch-25127-1-1-1.7z
Unofficial High Resolution Patch-31255-1-1-2.7z
Unofficial Skyrim Patch-19-1-3-3b.7z
Faster Vanilla Horses-8798-1-1.rar
Vidani's Bag of Holding.esp
WATER 1_71-13268-1-71.7z