They said that as it is the AI is a bit more lax because they want YOU to be the hero. They don't want the bots stealing your kills or getting the points for the objectives etc etc. So as the bots get closer to the objectives yes they will start to back off and be a bit more lax. they also stated that the AI get smarter based on how many human players there are as well as a few other factors like how much time is remaining. they will get more agressive if they realize that the time is running out to complete the objectives.
For me - I would rather have much smarter AI that don't stand still. It ruins the immersion with the game to have a few select players that are amazing while the others (the bots) as they described quite aptly "playing like noobies"
The fact that the AI is really not playing smart right now is actually hurting this games reviews.

ANOTHER Question i want to throw out there while the poll is out there - Should there be a more defined party system? after listening to the live stream it was slightly confusing to me but apparently the best way to "ensure all your teamates" get in with you is to just join a game and invite till everyone is in. or create a private match.
do you want a more defined party system?
A boost in AI is confirmed for patching!

Posted Today, 05:42 PM
A new PC patch has just gone live on Steam. Restart the game to receive it. Changes follow:
AI Bots:
Removed bot intelligence inhibitors for Freeplay games
Adjusted bot behaviour in Campaign games to make teams more evenly matched
Changed bots’ objective priorities across all game modes
Fixed issue with bot difficulty continually dropping
The full patch notes can be found on page 5 or on the SD website