He's a Synth, and not one of the "Human" ones, Yet he still sits and drinks from glasses. Also I have a clip of him on my ps4 huffing Jet. I'll upload it soon.
He's a Synth, and not one of the "Human" ones, Yet he still sits and drinks from glasses. Also I have a clip of him on my ps4 huffing Jet. I'll upload it soon.
It might be that he is like Data, from Stark Trek: Next gen, he can do that, even if it has little to know effect on him. As for stimpacks, it is called Gameplay and Story segregation, to make it so Nick does not have some horrible disadvantage to using him as a Partner.
The stimpacks lubricate him, and help to dislodge the rust in his joints that builds up from all that drinking. But mostly they heal the hamster that provides his backup power by running, running, running endlessly in the little wheel in his chest.
The jet's just for show, and perhaps to mess with people's heads a bit .
Then let that be a disadvantage. This is what I was talkinjg about in another thread. They have made all the characters "universal" You don't have to make any hard choices in character makeup or in compaigns. RPG is taking a serious hit in this game.
no, it is called Gameplay and story segregation, EVERY game has it. It is for the same reason that you can fix Power armor with some lighters and it works exactly the same.
then few to no one would bother using him, and there would be zero mechanical reason to, and then you would have almost everyone complain about it and one of the top mods would be the ability to heal him with stimpacks.
HAving with immune to stimpacks with no other way to heal him is bad game design, giveing him the ability to hack terminals, which is something ONLY he can do, is a unique feature, his personality, is what makes him a unique person.
No you're breaking down the lighters for their metal and oil. That's just logic. Other things in the game are just huge oversights.
On the other hand, Codsworth can't use stimpacks, and that doesn't seem to make him useless. Less useful, possibly, but surely it wouldn't be hard for Bethesda to build a companion that lasted longer in a fight than a human, but to compensate couldn't be brought back into it once they were down.
Some characters can pick locks, some can hack terminals. As with any good RPG you should have choices to make, take guy A and he is good at something and bad at another. Take guy B and he is the opposite. Dumbing down the Character creation and stats by making any character able to do anything, by Universalizing all NPC, by making any real game choices near meaningless does not only take away RPG aspects of the game but sure does not give me any incentive to play through the game a second time.
Oh well not surprised, they started this process in the Daggerfall series as well, trying to appeal to a wider game playing base is just screwing up what they used to be good at and why I play their games.
At least Codsworth can cut off ghoul limbs.
Or just an oversight, or a not particularly good decision?
Why does does everything have to be labelled dumbing down?
They seem to have done a much better job on companions than in previous games.
He's not a robot, he's a synth. After gen 1 they range from largely to entirely organic.
Well Nick wants to try out something new once in a while, Hancock probably encouraged him to try though.
Stimpaks are fortified with Vitamin Nanite.
For the same reason they work on ED-E in New Vegas. They just do.
Reason 4: SCIENCE!!!
...It worked for fancy lads snake cakes and Salisbury steak.
Yup. If I can stimpack a robot, then I can stimpack Nick. Why?
"BECAUSE REASONS!" -Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington
So... a couple of small lighters can be scavenged for enough metal to fix a piece of power armor? I fixed a nearly broken T-51b chest piece with four lighters (for four steel ingots). Logic dictates that four lighters that we see in the game, will not produce 4 steel ingots, much less even one ingot.
That's the point PK was trying to make.