» Sat Aug 20, 2011 3:09 am
Please tell me which GTA 4 you downloaded, mines is only 10gb with all the updates, 14gb with all the DLC, and this GTA4 is the PC version, the consoles version came with two disks, (EOLC), consoles dont have variable textures, which means they have a dumbed downed version, maybe 9gb tops. So Wrath is right , Crysis 2 with Dx11 and high Textures churns out 15.5gb, way to much for a current gen production DVD.
Dual layer DVD's can have upto 9.4 Gb of storage. Shipping 2 dual layer DVDs is not much to ask but because Crysis 2 was shipped like the Xbox360 version, it didn't. UT99 GoTY edition shipped with 2CDs, disk two had 600Mb of high resolution textures.
BTW, GTA IV recommended specs:
Hard Disk Space: 18 GB Free