So twice now, in combat, I've gone to throw a grenade in combat and .... melee blocked instead!! You can imagine how successful that was since my enemies were across the room from me, laughing themselves silly as they killed me deader than Julius Ceaser.
Thinking that, you know, Bethesda was doing things right and I was fat thumbing something, I tried this afternoon for about half an hour to "learn" to throw a grenade. I was using Molotov Cocktails. I pressed the hot key to activate the item, then I pressed the grenade button. At first, it worked, although my distance svcks and I can't seem to throw beyond a certain distance (but that could me still learning the sytem).
Then suddenly, it just stopped. No matter how I tried I couldn't throw a grenade. Nothing. All my character did was melee block. Again And agin. And again. No matter what button combination I pressed, all I did was melee block.
Is there a secret to throwing grenades/molotov cocktails that isn't in the tooltip?