So yea id like to know how to turn off console commands.
So yea id like to know how to turn off console commands.
Uhhhm.... don't open the console? Exercise self-control?
Same key that opens it also closes it:)
Now if you are talking about fully disable console interface i am not sure thats even possibile, though noebody forces you to use it ofcourse. (personaly ive never used it for anything else but fixing bugs in any Bethesda game)
Not sure why you'd want to turn off the console entirely (it does get you out of some common game-related problems), but you can try adding the following line to the "Interface" section of the Fallout4Prefs.ini
Two major heads-up, though:
First, make a backup of any .ini file BEFORE you make changes to it. If it blows up your game, you can delete the changed file and restore the backup to put things back to normal. I typically just tack ".orig" onto the end of the file name, so putting it back is just a matter of removing that extension.
Second, I have not tested this. This was the line from the FalloutPrefs.ini that enabled/disabled the console in New Vegas. While some of the .ini settings are the same between the three games, I'm only guessing that it would have the same effect in Fallout 4. It is not present in Fallout4Prefs (likely for a good reason).
doesn't work. and what everybody says like "use self control" i cant. when i play fallout 4 i always get pissed use them then regret it because i want a full legit save.
It's not that easy for everyone, oh Holy One.
yea. especially when you want something cant find it get pissed then do something like spawn it in. though i regret doing so usually.
that is a lot harder then it sounds. console commands are like a gateway drug. First its just adding a couple caps to have enough to buy that one mod. next thing you know your adding all sorts of stuff to your inventory.
I'm a console command junkie
But it is handy. I've spawned missing companions to me. or stuck companions. Items I wanted more of but didn't have, like materials for making my awesome settlements.
Getting stuck in the terrain is too common not to have access to the console. I also have to fix character glitches ... like one time in Sanctuary the pack brahman of that cranky trader that visits there was standing on the roof of one of the houses. How it got up there, I couldn't say, but it was obviously confused trying to lay down and stand up constantly. I had to use the console to get it down.
Making Covenant livable also required the console, deleting furnishings that couldn't be moved through the workshop menu and replacing them with furniture that could, for example.
I'm also partial to making named saves. Nope, couldn't live without the console.
i have 164 hours in the game. beat it 3 times. never once got stuck. never had any glitches but ones i caused using the console like from using tcl. so yea.
The console is the great equalizer for when the game cheats or breaks. Sorry, but I can't understand how someone who doesn't want to use it still does. But if one lacks the necessary self control, one could always run a live wire from an electrical outlet to the tilda key or just dip the key in high molar H2SO4.
I only use console command for building materials because I'm not crazy enough to collect over hundreds of craps just to make a store stand. I also use it to fix glitches like missing Dogmeat and the likes. I do agree that it could be hard to control for some people since it's like having a bunch of junk food in the house while playing video games or watching a football game.
I don't see how disabling the console will prevent you from ever using it again. If you can't exercise self-control, then nothing stops you from enabling it once again, I mean it's not like once you disable it is gone forever.
And as it has already been mentioned, it's one of the perks of having the PC version, it allows you to fix game-related issues.
I'm getting the impression that it's not a matter of disabling it completely, but rather of removing the easy access to some immediate gratification. "And lead us not into tempt... Oh, just follow me - I know the shortcut"
wow. cant believe you figured it out. if there is a game breaking glitch like a missing companion il take the time to turn it back on then off. otherwise i want it to not be as easy as press the ~ key.
What you need is negative reinforcement. Each time you cheat and then feel bad after it. Smash your face into the wall, or do something you feel necessary to train your self control. Trust me, you will stop before doing any serious damage.
Remove the key. Super glue a bottle cap over the hole. Get your spouse to stand over you with an uncooked fish while you play and have her/him hit you upside the head with it if you try to remove the cap.
See? It couldn't be easier.