Make a duplicate of ArmorScaledNOHelmetOutfit, then also make duplicate IDs of ArmorScaledBoots, ArmorScaledCuirass, and ArmorScaledGauntlets, then go to the duplicate ArmorScaledNOHelmetoutfit, click edit, when the window pops up highlight the current items inside press delete, then keeping the window open, click on armor, type in Scaled, find the duplicates you made of ArmorScaledCuirass ArmorScaledBoots and ArmorScaledGauntlets, and drag all three duplicates into the window then click okay.
Now open up your duplicates again, click edit and then uncheck playable in the bottom left corner then click okay. I also recommend you name your duplicates something like 1ASovietArmorScaledBoots 1ASovietArmorScaledCuirass, or some other alias unlikely to be in other peoples mod IDs, so that it's compatible, the 1A at the start btw will make the duplicate ID pieces easier to find for you.