OK, I had 9 posts, so I guess that's not enough to post a link. So, here is the link that you can copy and paste:
http://s8.postimg.org/d1c239fdh/Fallout Image.jpg
The problem: I don't know why I get that graphic at the lower right, just above the AP bar. In the image you can see I have no weapon, note the fist. To remedy this, I tried loading the Q-35 Matter Modulater and it didn't load, but I got that graphic showing 8 squares with the heading you see of "Q-35 Matter Modulater."
Even so, I can still navigate the game, fast travel and everything else. However, I can neither load any weapon nor shoot. The graphic you see on the lower right stays no matter what weapon I try to load. Clicking on the squares you see doesn't do anything. I shut-down the game and relaunched it and that move eliminated the graphic and I could then load a weapon. This condition occurred three times yesterday. This problem never happened before yesterday.
In running Windows 8.1 (fully updated) with 8 GB of RAM and an intel i7 3.1 GHz processor. My graphics card is a Radion HD-7750, with current drivers.
If you need additional information feel free to ask.