» Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:02 am
I personally don't see any desire to use the Bozar as a PC-operated weapon system. I have found it works quite well if you have Boone as your companion though. From what I've seen, he tends to engage targets at a further range than when he's armed with other "common" assault rifles, meaning he's less likely to run out in the open (and into your own line of fire). And it has a decent enough RoF and DPS that it functions okay in CQB environments.
But as a personal weapon, it lacks in almost every aspect. I've served in the Army as an Infantryman, with a majority of that time spent as the Automatic Rifleman (SAW Gunner). So I'm pretty experienced in the employment of automatic rifles, as well as when you should and shouldn't mount magnified optics to them. Unlike the kiddies nowadays who want to throw scopes on everything (including their pistols), weapons like an LMG just aren't meant to be mounted with magnified optics.
If you're wanting to use the Bozar as an LMG, it's going to suffer due to the low magazine capacity. With the mod installed, the normal LMG will have a capacity of 200 rounds, allowing it to properly serve its purpose. Both the base LMG and the Bozar have a spread that is far too high (in my opinion) to serve as a sniper/marksman rifle. And with the optics installed, it's likely to have a negative impact on function against mid- and close-range targets. Also don't let that high DPS fool you; it comes at the cost of low dam/shot, meaning you'll blow through a lot of ammo.
Personally, I generally have a variety of weapons set up on hotkeys ready to swap depending on the situation. If you know how to manage your loadouts properly, and take the time to visit your hotel often enough to restock and dump surplus, then the weight of a multi-weapon setup shouldn't be a problem even in hardcoe mode.
For those interested, I'll list below the weapons I generally pack with me and how they are generally used. Note that I currently only have GRA and OWB, so some weapons I have not yet tried and those listed below are based on that fact. (Note there is no #2, as that slot is locked from custom assignment)
1) CQB - 12.7mm SMG = This slot is reserved for close-range combat, such as indoors or in terrain where long shots are not going to happen. I want a weapon with a high RoF, good magazine capacity, and respectable DPS. The 12.7mm SMG (GRA) when fully modded also adds the tactical bonus of being suppressed, especially useful when you want to sneak through a building. The spread is not outrageously high, but it's not too low either. And in CQB, a little spread helps when targets move up close.
3) Close Range, Multi-purpose - Riot Shotgun = With the high dam/shot and great overall DPS, this weapon is a powerhouse in close-range combat. It's fairly quick to reload, and still offers enough rounds to take out several short-range targets (such as melee-users) and still have a couple rounds left in the drum "just in case". And with the new ammunition choices brought in by the GRA DLC, this weapon is probably the most versatile weapon in the game. I can load slugs or flechette for armored foes, 4/0B for some serious soft-target tenderizing, Dragon's Breath for those pesky insects, and even Pulse shot to knock on robots or turrets.
4) Mid-range Precision - All American (Marksman Carbine) = For those mid-range shots where you want to put a hurtin' on your target quickly, I haven't seen anything better than All American. It has a very low spread, a decent dam/shot, a good magazine capacity, decent reload speed, and just looks nice. When you spot a target that is "too close" to use a sniper weapon but too far for your SMG or scattergun, the Marksman Carbine variants are awesome. And you have 3 choices of ammunition available (not including the surplus crap or el-cheapo .223) depending on your target's armor rating. The DPS might not look that high, but generally you have more than enough firepower to drop targets at medium range before they become a threat. If the All American isn't enough, you're likely in a situation where boom-boom toys are better suited.
5) Sniper Rifle - AMR (GRA) = For my sniping weapon of choice, I go with the Anti-Material Rifle, GRA variant. It has a lower RoF than the standard Sniper Rifle variants, but when one shot will generally take out just about any target available, its slower speed is still more than suitable. And with the addition of specialty rounds like Incendiary or Explosive, you can have a lot of fun with it. I've been able to take out a group of 4 fiends with a single HE shot fired from stealth, and it is one of the best weapons for engaging hard hitters like Deathclaw from a safe distance. Grab Boone and ED-E for some true enjoyment of long-distance death-dealing.
6) Crowd Control - 25mm APW = I like having at least some form of "crowd control", a weapon that is effective against groups of targets or targets partially (or fully) behind cover. When modded out, this weapon has proven to be more effective than the 25mm GMG, at substantially less weight. And with the mix of HE, Plasma, Pulse, and Timed munitions, it's almost as capable of an all-rounder as the Riot Shotgun. It's also a great weapon to use in initiating contact, firing a round (or burst) into an enemy encampment before swapping over to your mid-range or close-range weapons.
7) Heavy Weapon - Fat Man (GRA) = When modded, the weapon only weighs in at 15, so it's one hell of a light weapon considering the damage capabilities. When you absolutely need to wipe out an entire sector of land, nothing compares. And with the variety of munitions, you can tailor the damage and spread as needed. In my opinion, it's also one of the most enjoyable weapons to watch used. Just make sure there are no friendlies in the area before firing, and it helps to take the explosion resistance perk.
> As a note, if mass destruction is not as desired as "precision" destruction, an alternative could include Annabelle or a modded Missile Launcher, both offering a limited selection of missile types. Another alternate, although shorter ranged, is Mercy. Just beware that it'll chew through 40mm like candy.
8) Hand Grenade = I always carry grenades of some sort, usually 10-15 on myself and 30-40 on my companion. The type of grenade used will often depend on what's available and at which point in the game I am. For example, higher up in levels the default frags are not very effective. Mainly I use them where my 25mm APW isn't suited, such as indoors or dropping over a cliff edge. I also tend to carry a stack of 10-15 land mines, and will swap out my grenades with mines if I plan to use them for a while.
Once the Pulse Gun is obtained, I generally tend to throw it onto slot 8, so I can grab it quickly when facing robots or turrets and pulse grenades/mines are not suitable. As you can guess, I'm not much of an Energy Weapons user so I have plenty of cells to spare, and the Pulse Gun eats em up pretty fast.
Of course everyone will have their own personal opinions on which weapons are better in different circumstances or against different opponents, so I'm not going to insist my loadout is better than anyone else. My point is that you should try to test out every weapon available, find its strengths and weaknesses, and determine which work best for you. And if your build/weight allows, try to pack a variety of weapons to fit particular situations. This also helps ensure you aren't burning through weapon durability on any one specific weapon too quickly.