For those saying "use it for mid-range," like where?
I guess my problem is...
Long range: I use a sniper. Deathclaw, cazador or anything else off in the distance? I'll attempt to snipe first.
Mid range: I use an all-around gun. Brush Gun, Survivalist's Rifle, maybe a pro sidearm like Lucky or ALSID. I need a gun like this for if we're talking about something like a Deathclaw that will close the gap quickly, or even just to get the best DPS on anyone else
Close range: If the above scenario happened, I'll keep out my Brush Gun. If it starts close range, I use a sidearm to conserve ammo on my more powerful guns. (sidearms are a purely financial decision in my book) If I need to get the enemy off of me quick, I may pull out a shotgun on a character with And Stay Back, or otherwise I'll pull out an SMG or LMG.
The Bozar is actually reasonably effective at all of those distances with the right ammo. The Bozar's strength is its versatility. It's a weapon that can do everything you describe. Not as well as something specialized to that range bracket, but it can save you some serious weight. Carrying an AMR/.308 rifle + Brush Gun/SR + Lucky/ALSID + Shotgun (+ SMG/LMG?) takes up a lot more pounds than just the bozar, and it also means you have to carry many different types of ammo. .50/.308, 12.7/.45-70, .357/.45, and shotgun shells/10mm/5.56mm. Worse, a lot of those rounds (.50 and 12.7 especially) are rare and expensive, while the Bozar's 5.56 is cheap and available everywhere.
With the Bozar, you can carry just oodles of 5.56 and still be effective. This is more of a concern for hardcoe than softcoe, admittedly, but then, real men play hardcoe anyway. The Bozar is especially useful for the initial excursion to Zion, since you can't carry much weight at all on the way in, so you need something that's versatile over a dozen different guns for every range bracket and situation. It's also pretty useful for loot runs into the divide, again, since it's versatile so you don't need to waste carry weight on a half dozen different guns.
The scope + match ammo + crouching means at long range you've got an automatic sniper to plug enemies with lots of bullets before they can reach you. It's also pretty effective vs medium armored targets like NCR troops, Marked Men, or Legion mooks at these ranges. It's not as effective at long range as a true sniper rifle, but it's a lot more useful at close range than, say, Christine's gun or the AMR or what not, so it balances out. It's not totally worthless at long range like the LMG is.
At medium range the automatic fire comes into its own, letting you pump a good number of bullets into anything that approaches. At this range, AP ammo becomes workable. With AP ammo (which is dirt cheap and available just about everywhere), you've got something that'll outright ignore the DT of nearly everything that isn't power armor or wearing a suit of NCR ranger combat armor + helmet. Better, its reload rate is like lightning, especially with the rapid reload perk. Sure the Medicine Stick might do a lot more damage and might be better at mid range than the Bozar, but misses with the Bozar are a lot more forgiving in terms of cap expenditure, and it takes a lot less time to reload. Helpful if there's more than a handful of enemies around.
At close range Bozar loses out to the LMG with its massive magazine, or to the SMGs that are lighter... Buuuuut, it's still workable there, being a reasonably high DAM automatic weapon with a thirty round mag. And unlike those other guns, it's effective at something other than very short range.
The Bozar won't outdo an AMR for nailing hard targets at extreme range, and it won't outdo an LMG at close in spraying and praying/cazador control. But it will do either of those tasks well enough without being nearly useless outside its range bracket.
My problem is, why bother with the Bozar at all when others could do that job better? Instead of using it for mid-range, the sneak attack critical I'd get from a Brush Gun might one-shot the target. Instead of wasting ammo (and money) spraying and praying and missing half the shots, the Brush Gun or a good pistol would conserve on ammo (and money) and still get the job done. The only remaining use is for close range, but in that case, the Bozar is just a nerfed LMG. I've traded damage (even more damage if I have Grunt) from the LMG for that stupid scope I'm not even using.
The Bozar is one gun (and it doesn't weigh too much if you've got that heavy weapon weight reducing perk from DM) that can perform capably in every range bracket while using entry level ammo versus a minimum of three different guns that individually perform better in their range bracket but are less useful outside it, all of which use different ammo types that are more expensive and rarer, and often heavier.