» Sat Aug 07, 2010 3:57 am
I use the MoveTo command for a summoned follower all the time, but she's also tied to a 'summon object' that the player wears invisibly. When the object's unequipped, she's immediately moved back to her holding cell, if alive her stats get boosted, if she's dead she gets resurrected, then disabled. If she dies in combat then I just remove the worn item which prevents the game from removing her, and still allows for her to be available again merely by reequipping her summon item. The difference though is that she's only one NPC, not a lot of them.
Every time the PlaceAtMe or Resurrect command is used, a new referrence in the ffxxxxxx range is created specifically for that new NPC instance within the savegame memory space, and reguardless of how the dead NPC is disposed of, that referrence remains in the save game permenantly. While not a problem in itself, overuse can cause problems (the same kind of problems us GOTY users see when you get too many savegames) because the running save game still has to keep track of those. The smart way of repeatedly summoning a bunch of referrenced things would be to script them to always stay above a certain amount of health, and damage their fatigue instead to 'fake death'. Then move them back to their holding area and boost their stats there. A subsequent summoning (if some are still ingame fighting) would move back only the remaining healed troops, and all would stay ingame until they 'fake' die, and get moved and healed awaiting the next summon. This way they only ever consume one referrence each, and is where moveto proves it's value.