Simply question. I currently finished my first play through as unseen Archer roflstomping anything from the shadows with my bow and, ofcoure, it wasn′t any challenge.
No I′m planning to make a 2h Warrior in Heavy Armor with Restoration, Alteration (Alteration mainly for the ArmorBuff, Transmute and RP-Wise) as Mainskills. I want to skill Smith and perhaps Enchanting, but just "by the way", aka not powerleveling.
Is the Char viable on Expert, not Master, Difficulty or is Crafting-Abuse a Must? I want to take down a single enemy or maybe two without much Quickloading and Running around/Healing. healing afterwards would be okay. And how does the Char stand against dragons?
What are your experiences? Did you enjoy the 2h Warrior on Expert (Master)?
Thx guys for your thoughts.