How well do you think Crysis 2 will sell?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:16 pm

Do you think it will sell better than Homefront and Bulletstorm, or will it be a flop? Also, how many of that amount will sell on PC? Just wondering what you guys think. I reckon it will sell 2 million, about 700,00 copies on pc judging by the fact nearly every pc gamer hear seems to hate it one way or the other.
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:20 am

The first one sold 3 million copies, and half the internet hated it. So... yeah.
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:48 am

The internet isn't every1 fortunately, fortunately not every single person goes on forums deciding to buy a game or not but think if they would enjoy this game which leads to the 3million copies of Crysis 1. If this gets enough sales well then Crytek can develop Crysis 3, something which alot of people hope will be the best out of the 3.
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jason worrell
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:15 am

Well I never played any Crysis game before, but more than the half of my friends told me that it's an awesome game, and they recommended it so highly to me. I checked out some trailers and read some information, and I'm absolutely impressed. I don't know other people's opinions, but I'm sure I'll buy the game once it's out, and I'm sure the game will make a huge sell because even from the trailers, I can see that the game has a never-seen gameplay(Maybe it's already known, but I was impressed when I saw it's gameplay system), and the fact that the game is a sandbox and you can use the objects around you is awesome. Definitevly gonna get this game.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:53 pm

The internet isn't every1 fortunately, fortunately not every single person goes on forums deciding to buy a game or not

I reckon it will sell 2 million, about 700,00 copies on pc judging by the fact nearly every pc gamer hear seems to hate it one way or the other.
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Elisha KIng
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:38 am

Will it sell more than Homefront and Bulletstorm? Absolutely. Homefront is going to be limited by the god-awful review scores it got and Bulletstorm isn't a serious shooter that the masses would be interested in.

I think the Nanosuit and Sandbox gameplay will sell well. Couple that with an excellent multiplayer offering and you've got a successful game.

As for PC gamers hating the game, well, that's a small vocal minority. And most of those people have absolutely no valid points. All I've seen is just a bunch of mindless, ignorant ranting. Here's a tip for you guys out there that think this game is going to be awful: Go play the first Crysis if you love it so much. Nobody's forcing you to play Crysis 2. Nobody is forcing you to buy it. You can still cancel your pre-order if you hate it so much.

Alright? OK. Good.

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Quick Draw III
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:22 am

By Iceman's logic, any and all criticism ever towards anything is invalid. If you don't like it, don't look.
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Alexander Lee
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:20 am

Will it sell more than Homefront and Bulletstorm? Absolutely. Homefront is going to be limited by the god-awful review scores it got and Bulletstorm isn't a serious shooter that the masses would be interested in.

I think the Nanosuit and Sandbox gameplay will sell well. Couple that with an excellent multiplayer offering and you've got a successful game.

As for PC gamers hating the game, well, that's a small vocal minority. And most of those people have absolutely no valid points. All I've seen is just a bunch of mindless, ignorant ranting. Here's a tip for you guys out there that think this game is going to be awful: Go play the first Crysis if you love it so much. Nobody's forcing you to play Crysis 2. Nobody is forcing you to buy it. You can still cancel your pre-order if you hate it so much.

Alright? OK. Good.


Small vocal minority? No valid points?

WOW. Someone has been living under a rock.

JackPumpkinhead - yup, people like this are hilarious.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:44 am

I think it's pretty valid in this case. Because, what else would be more valid, then? They're not going to change the game because some people don't seem to like it (especially since those people have no idea what the hell they're talking about).

The best thing for those people to do is just ignore the game and play something they do enjoy, then. Or what do you suggest they do? Spam the forums with useless crap that nobody will care about anyway? Yeah, I can see how that has worked out brilliantly!

And @zergrush, do you have information stating otherwise? Also, if you do have valid points, please do present them to me.
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Alexandra Ryan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:10 am

The internet isn't every1 fortunately, fortunately not every single person goes on forums deciding to buy a game or not but think if they would enjoy this game which leads to the 3million copies of Crysis 1. If this gets enough sales well then Crytek can develop Crysis 3, something which alot of people hope will be the best out of the 3.

It will be assuming it comes out for Next generation consoles like the PS4. But I will surely buy a PS4 or 720 (whichever comes first) at launch and do most of my gaming on it until PC gaming catches back up in bang for buck in year 2 or 3 of the consoles life cycle. To be honest because there is more choice on console and because fps svck on a joypad I might not want to play a Crysis game on it after this.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:30 am

"Spamming" is there because the forums are supposed to be the method of communication between the devs and fans. Not going to change anything for 2, but might change something for 3. A snowball's chance in hell, I know, but someone might eventually notice that PC gamers make up most of Crytek's fanbase.
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Chenae Butler
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:39 am

10 people with well thought out and valid points are more likely to have an impact on the game than 1000 people that are just spamming and trolling. Just sayin'.
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Nina Mccormick
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:29 am

And who decides what "valid points" are?
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Harry Leon
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 am

And who decides what "valid points" are?

Cevat mom.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:32 pm

The developers. And a person with at least a hint of common sense.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:11 pm

Or just the first part. You aren't a dev, you don't have the ability to decide what is and what isn't a valid point.
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Valerie Marie
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:48 am

I do, actually. I get to decide what I think is and what isn't a valid point. I do. And there's nothing you can do about it. We're getting awfully off-topic, by the way.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:15 am

it will sell ridiculously well especially on consoles
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:47 pm

I do, actually. I get to decide what I think is and what isn't a valid point. I do. And there's nothing you can do about it. We're getting awfully off-topic, by the way.

Yes, you get to decide what you think is a valid point. Not what is.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:37 pm

I do, actually. I get to decide what I think is and what isn't a valid point. I do. And there's nothing you can do about it. We're getting awfully off-topic, by the way.

Yes, you get to decide what you think is a valid point. Not what is.


remember the NG+ issue with Mass Effect 2?

Some people made some really valid points to some developers who initially thought they were not so valid......who later changed their minds (fortunately).

Truth is we do not know what is a valid point to the devs but we can surely try and make them see the validity of the points we are making
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Lucie H
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:40 am

Generally speaking, what I think is a valid point, is actually considered to be a valid point by most people with an IQ higher than their shoe size.
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matt white
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:08 pm

It depends some people are saying that Homefront sales are a sign of console sales finally going down the toilet!
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Ashley Clifft
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:36 am

Yes, you get to decide what you think is a valid point. Not what is.


remember the NG+ issue with Mass Effect 2?

Some people made some really valid points to some developers who initially thought they were not so valid......who later changed their minds (fortunately).

Truth is we do not know what is a valid point to the devs but we can surely try and make them see the validity of the points we are making

Which was my whole point, following Iceman's statement that criticism against C2 only makes invalid points.

Generally speaking, what I think is a valid point, is actually considered to be a valid point by most people with an IQ higher than their shoe size.

Right, because people making points you disagree with makes them idiots or trolls. The only smart people are the ones who agree with you, amirite?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:57 am

Generally speaking, what I think is a valid point, is actually considered to be a valid point by most people with an IQ higher than their shoe size.

Right, because people making points you disagree with makes them idiots or trolls. The only smart people are the ones who agree with you, amirite?

Who said anything about disagreement? I talked about invalid points, not disagreeing with someone's point. An example of invalid point:
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Jordan Fletcher
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:06 am

Yes, you get to decide what you think is a valid point. Not what is.


remember the NG+ issue with Mass Effect 2?

Some people made some really valid points to some developers who initially thought they were not so valid......who later changed their minds (fortunately).

Truth is we do not know what is a valid point to the devs but we can surely try and make them see the validity of the points we are making

Which was my whole point, following Iceman's statement that criticism against C2 only makes invalid points.

Generally speaking, what I think is a valid point, is actually considered to be a valid point by most people with an IQ higher than their shoe size.

Right, because people making points you disagree with makes them idiots or trolls. The only smart people are the ones who agree with you, amirite?

indeed, what I am saying tho is that sometimes not even a dev knows immediately what a valid point is
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