9 out of ten times when the game crashes alot it is not caused by falloutNV.exe but something else, but 99% of the people just click "close falloutnv.exe" when it crashes, instead of checking the crash report (or eventvwr.exe) to see which module caused it
sorry but this is not correct. I check the event log regularly - all the crashes are reported in module FalloutNV.exe (patched version).
There seem to be bugs which corrupt save games (read the Fallout NV wiki), there seem to be bugs with data (all times the crashes are while accessing an illegal memory address, i.e. a hanging pointer).
Since other games run well and stable on my machine, memory tests succeed, and I do not overclock in any way, the reason is FalloutNV.exe, nothing else. At least for me. Crashes hapen more often zoning in and out of New Vegas/Freeside, but they do happen elsewhere too. It also seems, that crashes become more frequent when you progress in the game - would point to the save, since saves grow and if there are corrupt data in saves sometimes, crashes will occur more often with a big save. But only the Devs can find this, since every crash has to be anolyzed, including the save which lead to it.
The tips here are not bad, I tried this dll solution, only it did not do much so i deleted it again, but I do not think its 'evil'.
Other things, like fiddling a bit with threading parameters in the .ini files, may also help a bit, but the fault lies with the engine, which is obviously not well maintained, since it has problems which it already had with Fallout 3. Think of the micro stuttering - its identical to Fallout 3 for me. (Win XP SP3, fully patched, clean, no wonder tools running in parallel to the game, NVIDIA GTX 280, Driver 260.99, Intel Core Duo Quad Core Q9650 @ 3 GHz, 4 MB memory.)
So only the developers can fix these things, and I am sure they are on it. Patience being not my strong side, I play regardless...