Enchanced weapon system like the mod (which was rolled into FNV, and then improved by the modder) but with in-game rendering
Boston (foreshadowing in F3)
Androids (again F3)
Vertibird summoning (another good mod)
Armor mechanics (moved to DT/DR)
Still using the same old engine but with Shadows/AO fixed (but this is expected to have a large impact on performance, and that many will turn them down to low and use ENB with SweetFX)
Still using Havok physics engine (shudder)
Rain & Snow (another great mod, with snow being assumed at this point)
Mod tools not being released for 2-3 months after game launch
Not Expecting:
Mods to be allowed onto both consoles! (I cannot imagine the pain of the procedure for this, and also imagine they want you to sign over all rights to the mod, which is probably a deal breaker for most)
The settlement mod to be added or improved upon (resouce collecting and pre-fab construction/palcement including weapons)
Proper destructible environments, not just adding the mod which allowed all items to be destroyed (though I strongly suspect it will only be for a few special building - though I am ready to be pleasantly surprised)
Jetpack (will need to see if good or bad)
An invulnerable dog companion (runs the risk of being quite an immersion breaker if the AI is typical for this engine, where he may detect a much more powerful enemy far away, and kill them before the player can even attack)
Piecemiel Armor (poly hit from modular weapons AND armor is more than I though possible for this war horse of an engine, and is quite impressive, unless only the player get this, and then it will be very immersion breaking)
Cheap surprise spawning where monsters just appear through contrived means (hoping it is a very limited event, as jump scares do not build atmosphere, they just get predictable, tiresome, and usually break immersion as the hole disappears)
Map size to be no larger than Skyrim's (was expecting at least 30% more wasteland to compensate for the elevation that Skyrim had)
I am sure there are a lot more things I was not expecting, and overall it looks good so far. However, we know so little, that does not mean much.