» Fri Aug 19, 2011 8:16 am
They said the Lonesome Road would be very linear... I don't know if that means the road (straight forward), or the DLC itself. Probably the DLC itself, since it was said to be like Dead Money. Quest after quest after quest. It was "alright" in Dead Money, but got kind of old at times. I hope Lonesome Road isn't like this.
I wonder what the theme will be with it. Dead Money was horror survival, Honest Hearts was environmentally and religiously focused, Old World Blues was science fiction and comedy focused, so Lonesome Road will be - perhaps:
1.) A type of dark revenge story.
2.) A mystery story that transforms itself into an action-packed battle. (probably not)
3.) A dark survival (the Divide) until you get to the end, and then during the battle it transforms into some sort of dark-action.
I'm betting the first one. The second is just an idea, and the third is just... another idea, lol.