I am curious how others think the Elder Scrolls Online game will alter lore. Now that I've read about some of the locations that will be in the ESO game, Skyrim to be more specific, I am a little confused. I know it takes place 1000 years before Skyrim events but lore only mentions 8 named Dragon Priests in Skyrim and 9 total masks but this ESO game has a Nordic barrow that is not in the game and a Dragon Priest never heard of. Plus a whole island that was not really used or had ruins on it. I am not against adding lore don't get me wrong but what I'd like to get an opinion on is how much will this game confuse and alter the lore?
I realize the last thing they wanted to do was rehash some of the same quests in Skyrim for ESO but I am just curious. I love the lore of Elder Scrolls so the deeper it gets is only a good thing. So what is everyones thoughts?
My thoughts are the next Elder Scrolls game will reflect the changes made in this lore and of course UESP will update but better yet the MOD community will have a field day adding content to Skyrim that is added by ESO. (I've already added some ESO lore to my own MOD I've made for my game) So as long as they don't do anything totally left field it should be okay.