In your prior post you said Creatures and enemies could reduce the players strenght, I stated that I rather not have my strenght drained when I couldnt effect it in the first place, and even more so the game would have to differentiat from -what- strenght its taking from, since people are sepculating there are seperate perks for damage increases per skill (perks don't jump and effect other skills, just their respective skills..I should have to elaborate on this (p.s not directed at you cobra)
this Differentiated Drain of Skills was specific to Drain -Skill- Spells in Oblivion and all games before it, and in your addition to the matter it would have to effect all melee weapons which are different skills
doesn't have to be a drain of a skill, it could be an attack that drains the damage value by a percentage.
a monster does this "drain strength" attack.
your character receives a penalty of 50% to all melee damage, so a warrior that does 100 points of damage with a longsword would only do 50 points of damage, a two handed warrior who does 200 now does 100, and a hand to hand warrior who does 50 now does 25.