» Fri Jul 01, 2011 4:17 pm
My Dunmer is a jack of all trades. He focuses on Archery, One-Handed, Light Armor, Sneak, Restoration, and Destruction. With the new crafting system, he'll probably incorporate all three skills. My true character, is a bit of a different story. Most of my Oblivion playthroughs were with a female Maormer, and so I'll be learning how to mod in a new race (and how much of the body mesh I can alter per race). She's not a very combat-oriented character. She uses an enchanted sword and destruction for her damage. She focuses on stealth, daggers, and illusion to dispatch the majority of her enemies. She calls on spirits with conjuration to aid her against multiple foes. She maintains herself with Alteration and Restoration, straying away from armor in order to maximize her spell effectiveness (I like to play with modded spell effectiveness that makes it impossible to reach 100% while wearing armor).