I am interested in how others "role play".
As for me -- I always role play as myself. I try to create a character who is similar to how I am (or at least would like to be). In real life, I am not a big burly fighter, I am NOT evil, I don't go around stealing, murdering or causing wanton destruction. I am intelligent, strategic thinking, considerate, polite, a natural explorer, and want to better my surroundings. While I always play a good character, I have no qualms about protecting myself and being a survivor. I also have a strong sense of justice, and in these games am willing to take things into my own hands to set things right. When righting wrongs, I don't usually take the direct more risky route, rather planning something more "permanent".
In general, I imagine myself being placed into the game world, and in any situation try to do what my personal moral compass tells me.
Some may not call this role playing, but to me - that is how I always play in these games. In a second run through, I often start off trying to play someone different (e.g. a different class or focus), but still end up making similar decisions based on what I would do. No matter what, I just can't bring myself to be "evil".
How do others role play these games?