I won't, I'll have a mindset and a direction I want the character to morally go but in terms of no fast travel, deep immersion Roleplaying, that will probably be the 2nd/3rd playthrough.
I won't, I'll have a mindset and a direction I want the character to morally go but in terms of no fast travel, deep immersion Roleplaying, that will probably be the 2nd/3rd playthrough.
Good-karma [censored]. I'll be the hero the Wasteland needs... but not the hero they want. For my stats, I'll be going full tanky utilitarian. Max out EN and take Solar Powered as my first perk, and focus enough IN to craft the best Energy Weapons. If most of those EN perks have multiple ranks, I'm going to be freaking unstoppable.
It won't be my first character, but I have every intention of playing a Don Quixote character. A knight-errant that thinks the wasteland is idyllic medieval fantasy! (if I can, I'd love to make Wasteland Don Quixote as a companion mod)
Bethesda's modus operandi seems to be a character system that lets any character work well, as opposed to letting us accidentally pick dump stats and svck through 99% of the game.
I will check out all the perks first to make sure they are worth it, but I'm going 10 intelligence from the start. I definitely want to play the role of a genius scientist. Hopefully, I will be able to hack a robot of some kind and use that as a companion and/or a settlement protector.
First character is going to be this cold and calculating http://www.rpg-gaming.com/fo4.html?n=Mad%20Scientist&a=1432a53. He won't be an evil character, but the decisions he makes will be focused on helping out the majority even it might be cruel and uncaring for a small few. He will focus on progress instead of kindness.
The second playthrough will be more of a http://www.rpg-gaming.com/fo4.html?n=Kindhearted%20Leader&a=3636325, anti-establishment, and community oriented.
I realized after playing New Vegas and Skyrim that I really don't have as much fun with one dimensional combat oriented characters.
My first character will likely be a test character. 4's in everything and just play it as written and see where the story and random experiences pull me. Later runs will be more focused while I test builds and play around with the settlement side games.
My first character is going to be a test platform to help me get used to understanding the leveling system, and how the overall mechanics of the game work. My second character will be more focused on a specific build.
Name: Edwin House
An illegitimate son of the Robco founder. Estranged from his father, he became a medic in the army. Tired of seeing the carnage of war, he settled in Boston with family, taking some classes at MIT in the hope of inventing things that had a chance of improving the world, not that it would do much good. He exits the vault horrified, but with the hope that things can be improved into a world better than the one he left behind through the power of SCIENCE!
Basically, a goody two-shoes genius with a focus on medicine and science. If he needs to use guns-energy weapons.
As I do in any game I play.
A Holier than though moralistic person who rights all the wrongs!
I am still going to attempt to build what I think Booji Boy (Of DeVo notoriety) would play like.
Basically, a freaky devolved yoda-esque nerd with punk rock undertones.
what roleplay the voiced protagonist killed any sense of roleplay unliss you want to rleplay the all american educated white christian true patriot type and the rubbeerband scalling is probably going to make this game so linear that it becomes stupid
Oh yeah, because the level scaling in Skyrim made it linear and Mass Effect is a universally panned RPG.
it is not that i have to play a ' american' it is fall out after all it is the fact that tour freedom to create acharacter what eve type you want and to play it however you want has baicly been reduced to one type
try to imagine a afro american hipster type with the coice of our protagonist ; or a first or second generation italian / american or somebody from a hispanic background
or try the silent brooding type hero or the nervous dude who can y keep his mouth or any other type of character
no way i want to stereotype anybody just a example
and if this rubber banding scaling system is a copy of what we ve seen in the witcher 3 i am really worried because despite what they said about the witcher being a open world it isn t the scalling system makes sure that the game is as linear as possible and practicly kills any form of eexploration
one thing i hated the most in NV was the incisible walls and how the game forced you to go thru the primm nipton novac bouldercity route making the first 12 levels linear and boring after and repetitive your second playthru
Probably me, just to see how the game is. Then I can roleplay safely without worrying about messing up things.
Well, the character has to be a veteran, so I'll be playing the part of an ex army doctor. He'll have a high charisma and intelligence, but he won't start off as an especially capable fighter, and his idealistic lawful good alignment will probably be a bit of a stumbling block for him in the post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Not sure...Depends of the type I suppose.The type that makes origami or the type that tries to poke his eyes out.