How would I script this? (summoning creatures)

Post » Fri Sep 17, 2010 11:35 pm

I want to make a spell for an NPC to use, where he summons a skeleton. Whenever that skeleton is killed, it respawns and a clone is placed beside it. The only way to win is to kill the NPC who summoned them.

What commands are there in the CS to let me spawn copies of the same NPC. Would a method using placeatme work? I wasn't sure if that command was conditional on who the script was running on, or if it always refered to the player.

If I could use placeatme, then I think its just a matter of making the script effect do "placeatme ". And then having the be a custom creature with a script attached to it with a "Begin ondead placeatme SkeletonID , resurect etc etc".
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Post » Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:02 pm

It would be better to just resurrect the skeleton on death as long as the summoning NPC is still alive. The script would look something like:

scn SkeletonResurrectScriptBegin OnDeath  If NPCRef.GetDead == 0    Resurrect 1  Else    Disable  EndifEnd

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Amanda Furtado
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