How would you re-design ESO?

Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:44 pm

Hi guys,

This is a hypothetical question, purely for fun. I stress that I absolutely love the game based on my time in the beta.

The designer in me can't stop thinking about design, though. So here's my question.

How would you re-design ESO, or parts of it, in order for it to become a better game in your view? The only rule is that you can't go nuts - you must stay within the constraints of an MMORPG developer, and you can't chuck it all out and start from scratch. Improvement is the key word.

Personally, I'd take a good look at the entire experience of the factions, questing, and exploration. I think they could have done a lot better in this regard, and I also think that traditional MMORPG design took too much space from Elder Scrolls design here. One of the core elements of any Elder Scrolls game is being able to roam freely and do anything. In ESO, they've restricted this due to character progression and factional PvP warfare. You can currently go to other factions' provinces at level 50, but in my opinion that just feels very artificial and barely worth doing for anyone who's loyal to their faction.

Here's what I'd do to change that:


1. I'd open up all of Tamriel to all races at the start of the game.

  • I call this Questing Phase 1 - the free and innocent part of character-building where we are all friends.
  • You wouldn't belong to a specific faction at the beginning, and none of them will be neither hostile nor overly loyal to you at this point.
  • The only restriction early on is that you couldn't visit any of the factions' capital cities.
  • After doing the opening story in Coldharbor, certain personality-trait and back-story choices you did at Character Creation would come into play.
  • These choices would determine at which out of dozens of possible suitable start locations across Tamriel you would be chucked after escaping Coldharbor. From there, the story with the Prophet would continue, and an introductory world quest would be handed to you on a silver platter by an NPC which approaches you, just like in current starting areas.
  • After that introductory world quest, you'd be left to explore all of Tamriel at your whim, and do any quest you run into.
  • Every now and then, you'd do a quest or two for a specific faction, thus getting to know them a bit better, as well as earn some reputation among them. But you are still an independent agent working for all of Tamriel.

2. I'd scale monster / character power, so that your character could theoretically do any open world quest content at any level, no matter in which province.

  • Raids, dungeons, and similar content would still require a certain level of character power before you could do them, just to make sure some content stays endgame.
  • Loot would also scale, so that you couldn't get amazing items at level 2.
  • What good gear and a high level would achieve if, say, a low level and a high level character both fight the same enemy in the open world, is that the high level character would have a slight edge in power; have more abilities to use; and look better obviously. This ensures that getting better is worth it, but also that they can quest through the same content.

3. Upon meeting two criteria; (1) be level 40, (2) be in good standing with a faction, you can join a faction.

  • This initiates Questing Phase 2.
  • Once you do this, certain things change in the game world for you:
  • There will be a second set of quests opening up in the world which are exclusive to your faction. These are generally more epic, more political, and increasingly about factional warfare.
  • You are hostile towards players of other factions, but still neutral against neutral players without factions. You can still play with your low level friends.
  • NPCs of other factions will at best be suspicious about you, at worst attack you. Key NPCs for important quests will talk to you, but they might be a little on edge.
  • You may now enter your chosen faction's capital city, acquire unique rewards and gear from them, as well as represent them permanently in PvP.
  • Once you're in Questing Phase 2, the world is suddenly more menacing, more suited for endgame content, and so on. This would be reflected in some dungeons opening up, more dangerous world events and bosses appearing, character / monster power scaling being slightly less favourable for you the higher your level becomes, and so on.

4. At the end of the day, this change to ESO would have meant that...

  • Tamriel would be open to everybody, and no one could complain that exploration was limited or that the story was force-fed to them.
  • The developers wouldn't have to worry about gimmicky endgame features like 50+ questing in other factions' provinces, because the entire world and (most) content would already be available for all.
  • Faction-pride and warfare would still be in the game. Only this time around, you would be given the chance to experience each faction bit by bit; grow with them as you play, and make an informed decision.
  • It wouldn't have been more work for ZOS, as the same amount of quests are already in the game, only split up in three distinct segments.

5. Regarding PvP, all would be fine.

  • Before choosing a faction (at level 40), PvP would still work fine in Cyrodiil. It could be done in a number of ways, but an idea which springs to mind is either allowing people to choose which faction to temporarily represent in battle before having done the actual choice at level 40; or have the system make the choice for you based on your reputation among factions; or make it random. The absolute meat of the game would still be after level 40, where the factional warfare really kicks in. To be honest, before that point you have no real reason to care for either faction anyhow.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:16 pm

The Inventory System!

- More space in the bank

- Crafting Material Bag and Bank

- Customizable labels

- Done :)

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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 11:19 pm

- Camps

- No levels only skills which can be aquired by getting xp. Using bow grants bow-xp which gives acces to skills. Using swords gives sword xp. Learning a skill cost skill points and needs a certain amount of xp. Once learned the xp is gone and need to use the bow again to get more xp to get access to more skills. Skills can be unlearned.

- Player housing is existing cities. No need to build a house, rent a room in an inn or stable. Multiple instances so more players can live in same house

- Underwater diving

- hawtpants

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Allison C
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:05 am

100% agree. This is a criticism I've had for Oblivion and Skyrim too, there's so much water and no use! I honestly didn't xpect a huge project like ESO, built in so many years, to do the same mistake again and neglect the water as a gameplay component.

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megan gleeson
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 5:00 pm

Black marsh included in the vanilla game. I can't wait to explore the depths of Black Marsh.

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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 4:49 pm

I'd make the quest items and objectives shared in a group. If I game with my wife I think it's natural to kill a quest person once, not twice. This phased thing is killing me, and also the shared dungeons where there are too many players going for the same boss, makes things easier than I enjoy.

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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:51 pm

I would design a game similar to what we have now, i would not have any forums except the beta ones , no bethesda forums or such, i would not have weekend teaser betas, i would just have a closed beta till 2 weeks till early access. I would release teaser videos every now and then and that is it. Also i would advert that this is NOT a skyrim co op game its a bloody mmo and that would be it.

This would cut all the bs out of people whining and talking about [censored] they had no idea about, there would be no preconception about what the games like.

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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 6:11 pm

Simply put, "I wouldn't".

It's a brilliant game already.

Having said that, I would ADD to it.

Lots of suggestions about that. Crafting bags are a nice touch.

Guild meeting halls (choice OUTSIDE Cyrodil too) are a pretty big part, as there is a real need for encouraging more social gethering and that sense of belonging that pulls people in.

Markets would be a really nice touch. Needs some proper market atmosphere. Just in big cities perhaps, or smaller more limited ones in small towns. Needs to be a facility to sell player goods, even if it's limited and partly random. That would allow for sales, but keep things fresh too.

Houses.. how this is tackled all depends on the guild approach really. Dont want to encourage people AWAY from guilds and social lol

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Katharine Newton
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:42 pm

Not seen much in the way of legendaries yet - having the odd thing like a super rare mount (I mean VERY RARE) as a drop would be cool. Would keep people's eyes peeled lol.

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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:00 am

My chief complaints with the game are;

1) The inventory system; not enough storage, bank or bags.
2) Auction system; I like trying something different, but this just isnt going to work (well).
3) That the chief focus of the game seems to be Cyrodiil and everything else is just fillers. This business model is not sustainable, as its been proven multiple times in recent history.
4) There is so much about the game that we know absolutely nothing about. There seems to be a shroud of silence. The NDA was only just lifted last week. It seems like they are suppressing bad publicity and living off the hype, instead of getting out there and putting out good press and getting people excited about the game.

Considering how little we know, its hard to have too many complaints. Its also hard to be too excited about such a mysterious game. Kind of makes you wonder why the NDA was necessary for so long. I dont think anyone who played the last beta weekend will disagree that the game is being released in beta form. There were so many incredibly basic and fundamental bugs even at the very beginning of the game that it doesnt exactly inspire confidence that they have fixed the later levels either.

I guess to answer your question, my game would be ESO with my above prerequisites, a better public relations team and another 3 months more of beta time to fix the game.
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:55 am

I would add some smaller scale pvp battlegrounds.

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Chrissie Pillinger
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:41 am

- collision detection enabled for enemies. friendly players can still walk through eachother.

- auction house in the largest towns

- sending gold to your own alts

- crafting not taking up skill points

- argonian and khajiit models revamped into more bestial forms

- add inconsequential npcs to all areas in order to give the areas a more lively feeling

- allow players and npcs to sit on chairs and benches

- change the angle at which bows hang on the back of khajiit and argonian models so the bow's string doesn't clip through the tail nor the shaft clip through the head.

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Marnesia Steele
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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:46 pm


These guys look like freaking men in silly costumes.

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Rusty Billiot
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:50 am

Forgot the "market cart" option - seems like a good way to milk the Megaserver. Only works while you're logged on, even if AFK.

Set it up in a few clicks, and passers buy and buy your goodies.

I'd suggest zoning it though - licensed areas for it ie market squares in town with appropriate NPCs, noises etc.

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Post » Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:41 pm

bring back memories of lineage 2 where you have hundreds of people setting up shop in the city square

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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:20 am

I'd get rid of all PvP! Ok maybe not. I may not like PvP, but i guess some people do, so it can stay for them :)

Design Changes I would make:

- Add thieving/justice - this is a huge part of the ES games and stealing is something that hasn't been done very well in MMOs historically.

- Add 3 types of dynamic content:

- PvE guild keeps throughout the world. Keeps are inisitally owned by NPCs and need to be raided to capture. Owning a keep results in NPCs occasionally attacking you and you having to defend or lose it.

- The anchors would become dynamic and scale to large event (kinda like Rifts in Rift)

- Caves & Bandit forts would be added to the world, these would change in population after being cleared and you would get dynamic quests to explore them.

- Change the crafting system to be challenging in the following ways:

- Do the same 1000 levels of materials quality system that is used in games like SWG and Firefall.

- Crafting would be more complex that just "press X to combine", making a combine would require actively working on an item and using crafting related skills, as much skill would be required to complete a combine as is required to kill a mob.

- Group crafting would be added where crafters have to co-ordinate and work together to create higher quality items.

- Crafting would create some of the top items in the game.

- Increase group size to 6 and tune PvE content accordingly. More PvE content would be added for groups of 6, 12 and 24 people.

- Instead of having 4 innate racials, I would have 1 mobility/resistance racial that is innate and other 3 would be chosen from a pool.

- I'd get rid of "any race can start as any alliance". Instead, the following two changes would be made:

- Races would be restricted to STARTING in their respective alliance. A "betrayal" quest would be available at 3 points during the game that allowed a person to switch alliance via a an "above-average" difficulty series of quests. You'd have the opportunity to betray your faction during the opening sequence of quests (around level 5-10), then again once you reach level 50 but before starting 50+ gameplay and again once you've completed all the main PvE questlines at 50++.

- People of all alliances would be able to group together outside of Cyrodil to do PvE content. This would follow the in-game lore of FIghters/Mage guilds ignoring the war and letting its members cooperate.

- Quests changes

- puzzles would actually require you to solve a random puzzle rather than always having the same answer (more quests would have puzzles)

- there would be quests that have multiple paths of being completed - stealth, speech, combat.

- quests would require you to use actual game skills (i.e. if you need to destroy a wall, you would use your weapon rather than clicking "destroy")

That's how i'd redesign the game. You know... not that i've thought about it... :deal:

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Nathan Barker
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:09 am

Yes, more sandbox. Your approach seems good Cyberbeard.

As for your #5 Cyberbeard the obvious choice to me (you already have it, just not labeled as such) is "mercenary", hire on to any faction, with a level limit I suppose so that mercenaries are less valuable than regular faction members.

More generally-

I think Khajiit look fine as is. The only thing I'd change is the tail, which currently looks like a rope glued to the rear. The Skyrim tail looks better.

Some people don't want to join guilds. Player housing should be available to suit all play styles, including solo.

And the other stuff, like more storage for crafting, some sort of rational auction house or vendors outside of the guild setting (with listing fee or maintenance).

Also, there needs to be private bank space per character and a shared space that all characters on the account may access. They either didn't think this through with regard to their customers' family setting, or more sinister, they did.

Needless to say these would be my suggestions designed to please me, and I am sure not all would agree.

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Aaron Clark
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Post » Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:19 am

Using the bow grants bow xp levelling up the bow line?. Same with all other weapons?. Aswell as armor?.

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Amy Siebenhaar
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