How would you have liked to see Skyrim end?

Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:12 am

Something I did for lulz a while back just for fun. This is how my dragonborn ended things.


The Second Great War Year 4E 219 30th of Frostfall
30th of Frostfall...the day this all began during the first great war. It seemed fitting. Delphine would agree. She was still trying to rebuild the blades at this time instead of joining the war. Fools. Clinging to the past. She claimed that she served the dragonborn, yet she wouldn't join me in battle because I chose to protect Paarthurnaax. It seemed to me that the blades had turned their back on their true duty. Oh well, I did not need them to accomplish my goals. I as the dominant dovah demanded that the dragons help me fight the dominion, and reminded them that the thalmor would hunt them down too due to their superiority complex. They didn't like the idea of mortals, especially elven mortals thinking they're superior, so they joined. I did not ask Paarthurnax and his followers to help out of respect for his pacifism.

I became Ulfric's top general, and I lead the charge against the dominion on top of Odahviings head with Aela on top of Durnehviir's head, and we took the fight straight to the thalmor. We invaded with the stormcloaks and my companions who were now 500 strong, and we invaded by sea with me and Aela giving our ships an air advantage on top of our dragons.

We completely obliterated the naval force with the help of the dragons. Then we invaded by land. The thalmor had master destruction mages who tore apart my dragon hit squad, so I ordered them to rest until they were taken care of. Thats when I called in my secret weapon. My 500 strong had been learning the thu'um from me and Ulfric, and with them at the front, we cut right through the master destruction mages and moved on to their main force. My tongues/companions fought our way to the middle of the island, and we all used stormcall at the same time, while the rest of the force stayed out of the blast range. This softened up the main thalmor force, then the rest of the army moved in after they saw that the chaos had settled down.

Needless to say, with the help of the dragons, and the 500 tongues/companions plus the whole stormcloak army of Skyrim, we took Summerset Isle in the most devastating and overwhelming invasion force known to man. Many were killed on the island. Some innocents were regrettably caught in the super storm created by our combined thu'um that covered most of the island. Such is war.

After that was done, the Empire decided to take Skyrim while we were vulnerable since we were busy in Summerset isle, and were busy liberating Valenwood from the thalmor. The thalmor were mostly wiped out in Summerset Isle, so the fighting didn't last long. The Empire didn't realize that the redguards secretly allied with us thanks to the alik'r putting in a good word for me because I helped them before. They were left at Skyrims border to help the smaller force of Stormcloaks defend the border.

The Imperials, however, utilized their Occulatus and found out about the alliance in time to know that they were guarding the border. Because of this, the imperials went to the sea border of Skyrim at the north, and moved through and took winterhold, dawnstar, whiterun, and then they attacked from the other side from the North and the south. Thats when I flied in and attacked with my dragons. It helped, but the Imperials came in with most of their army. I decided to fight on the ground with my men to give them the support of my thu'um. Dragons began to drop, and it looked like the imperials might win. The Stormcloak forces finally arrived from the north by boat after receiving word of the attack from one of my dragons and the companions arrive from the south. The companions had to fight their way through Cyrodiil, and were met with intense resistances, but the companions thu'um proved too much, and they eventually cut through, not stopping to take the cities.

They hit the Imperial main force hard from the front with the power of their thu'um while the stormcloaks hit from the back, utturly devastating the imperial forces in Skyrim. The Imperial forces in Cyrodiil who retreated to regroup and attack the companions hurrying to cross the border were met with a surprise attack from Vilkas and his forces who I left behind to guard the rear. My dragons and I rushed off to aid him when I saw my companions join the fight in Skyrim. After the battle in Skyrim was won, Ulfric ordered the rest of his men to aid Vilkas and I to take Cyrodiil next. Cyrodiil surrenders after the rest of the Nord and redguard forces come to aid Vilkas due to being so devastated.

Ulfric became the King/Emperor of a new Nordic Empire with Hammerfell, High Rock (surrendered without a fight after Cyrodiil fell), Skyrim, Cyrodiil, Summerset Isle and Valenwood, (who willingly joined due to being so thankful to being released from the clutches of the thalmor) as provinces. Ulfric died in battle bravely against the hidden Thalmor forces in Solstheim who surprise attacks Skyrim with a force almost as strong as what they had in Summerset Isle.

I take his place at the moot as King with Aela as High Queen, and I eventually moved on to taking Elsweyr and retaking Solstheim after the thalmor remnants and khajiit forces are repelled. The horrors that they inflicted on the dunmer people there compels me to help the dunmer rebuild Morrowind and Solstheim if they promise to join the new Nord Empire. They accept, becoming full citizens of my new Empire. Blackmarsh fights on for 9 years before they are finally fully taken over. Their forces had less soldiers but knew their land very well, thus giving them a huge advantage. But not huge enough.

I am sad to say that I was forced to wipe out Delphine and half of her new blade forces. She, against Esbern's wishes, mounted a sneak attack on Paarthurnaax. Esbern apparently warned them that they would most certainly die. And that is exactly what happened. I'm still not sure how she got past the greybeards and the barrier on the path to Paarthurnax's home. I could feel Paarthurnax's distress, so I called Odahviing and we flew over to assist him. Paarthurnax is a powerful dragon, and did not need my help, but I insisted that he leave the rest to me.

I challenged her and all of her followers to a battle. Me against them. It was still not a fair fight... She agreed, and attacked with everything she had. I defeated them effortlessly, and told Delphine to go back home. She was bloodied, and seriously wounded, but she would have lived. She charged me when my back was turned. That is when I was forced to end her life. Esbern asked me to give her a proper burial, but I could not, because I shouted her off of the face of the mountain. She was my friend once, but she deserved what she got.

This was a personal entry to the Historical book/journal written by the dragonborn. He was and still is considered the greatest Conqueror of all time, responsible for taking over all of tamriel, like Talos. He became so powerful, that he could literally change into a dragon with a shout! His life span was twice that of an elf due to the power of his dragon soul, but he was still mortal and eventually died. When he died, his body disappeared and his dragon soul was observed at his funeral to fly up to the heavens. After this moment, he was worshiped as Struntuz, or StormBlade, the tenth divine and last dragonborn.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:48 pm

I would have liked skyrim to end with the dragonborn unlocking his true power. Becoming a greybeard etc.
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Kaley X
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:47 pm

Ew, no thanks. I'm not into pacifism. And I hate Jurgen Windcaller.
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Beth Belcher
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:11 am

Why is it multiple choice? Doesn't that defeat the purpose.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 1:30 pm

Ancient Nordic Dragonborn heroes. Were they born to light the Dragonfires and destroy Alduin? Were the Dragonfires not just something established by Reman? There were Dragonborn's before him. Wulfharth. He didn't do either things. Let's not try to act like we have the answers when we don't, as hard as that is for a few certain posters.
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Tanya Parra
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:01 am

Also, I would have liked to end mine with closure. Don't care how, just give me more answers.
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:53 pm

Lol, this thread has been up for 5 hours, if you hadn't said anything, I don't think I would ever have noticed. Fixed now /smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':smile:' />
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Charlie Sarson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 10:35 am

The story of the dragonborn was stupid and pointless so I don't want them to try and fix it all.. Just move on and pretend it never happened works best.
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Claire Lynham
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 2:33 pm

So was the courier, "OHHHH I PUNCHED A DEATHCLAW YEAH!!!!"
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Miranda Taylor
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:38 pm

You've played Elder Scrolls games before and you know the stories of Heroes and Champions never end. So this ending was fine and lore-friendly. Some will say it was underwhelming but opinions are not objective.
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chloe hampson
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:48 pm

I actually quite like that.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:30 pm

Leave them wanting more. Always.
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 11:40 pm

You say "leave them wanting more" but they left us wanting Mora...
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 5:58 pm

Well, now that's just disappointing.
The Dragonborn's ultimate fate isn't even hinted at. What happens to him now?

At least with Oblivion the Champion's fate of mantling Sheogorath was pretty obvious.

Skyrim's Dragonborn's story just...ended abruptly. How the heck will they write him off for the next sequel's lore?
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Kaley X
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:28 pm

Thats....quite harsh....
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stevie critchley
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 9:46 pm

Was Morrowind like this as well? or did they tell us what the Nerevarine fate was? i haven't played any of its DLCs
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:41 pm

I was honestly expecting more DLC. Why the hell did Bethesda decide to stop? After Dragonborn was released they said there would be more to come and all we got was Legendary mode. What the [censored]? I was expecting a larger expansion pack and spears. I know I can get spear mods on the PC but none of them have the thrusting animations associated with spears.
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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:14 am

The Nerevarine's story felt over after the death of Almalexia. Bloodmoon was just the cherry on top. The Nerevarine and the Dragonborn seem to have ended both their stories as demi-god adventurers who disappeared somehow.
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Céline Rémy
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 3:45 pm

I don't like how it ended. I wish his story could have ended by sparking the Second Great War or something by that matter.
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Lynne Hinton
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 4:59 pm

I haven't even touched DB yet, so I have no knowledge of its developments. But who is to say that the PC is really the Last Dragonborn? Alduin's Wall is kinda like the Mayan calendar: The world didn't end on 12/21/12. They just ran out of room to carve stuff into the rock face, and probably figured that come 2012, they could carve a new one. Heck, they had at least 500 years to whittle away. So it's only the "Last Dragonborn" as far as that particular prophecy is concerned. A Dragonborn will appear in order to send Alduin back into Aetherius (rather than just porting him through time, which is all that the ancient Nord Toungues really accomplished). This is all that Alduin's Wall concerns itself with.

Akatosh is in charge of making Dragonborn; Akatosh is in charge of when the kalpa comes to a close. He already knows precisely when it will happen, and this is why he sends you after his unruly child, Alduin. Because it isn't time yet.

I imagine Akatosh as existing at every moment of time within the kalpa, all at once. After all, what God of Time wouldn't? But every kalpa has to end eventually. Entropy is a thing.

That's why it's stupid to kill in the name of Sithis. Everyone and Everything is headed towards Sithis in the end.
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 7:34 pm

That was a very thought-provoking post, but i admit, the only thing I could think of was this
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 12:18 pm

I dig it. /biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 6:38 pm

Nice, i might use that as my next avatar. /cool.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':cool:' />
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:20 pm

Heh, nice.
I'll take a slice of that...
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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Sun May 18, 2014 8:59 am

As I do the Dragonborn questline before I do the MQ, I felt it ended just fine for me. I like the fact that life goes on in Bethesda games long after you save the world, defeat the world eater, help Martin close the Oblivion gates for good, etc.

As much as I love DA: Origins, it always makes me sad that the ending seems so .... final.
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