How would you improve the Civil war story?

Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 3:40 pm

Firstly this is not supposed to be a discussion about who is right or wrong in the Civil war, this is a discussion about how you would personally improve on the Civil war quest.
Would you add new quests? take some out? whatever you want, just please don't turn this into another fiery debate. Thank you :smile:

Awhile ago I finished the Imperials side of the civil war, so I'm going to be using their side as an example, but really, these points could apply to both sides.

The imperial side i thought, felt incredibly rushed, the last time we were able to join the imperial legion was in Morrowind, and that was 9-10 years ago! so i thoughet this time around it was going to be similar to the morrowind wrong i was.

these are some of my ideas on how they could of Improved the civil war.


This is probably my main gripe with the quest. I would of liked the rewards from both sides to be related to the faction you joined, General Tullius gives you an orcish sword of burning for wiping out a fort. Why? why in the world would he just casually pass you an orcish sword of burning? (in my game he was sitting on a chair...he didn't even bother to get up :down: ) I'm sure the General would give you a nice shiny imperial sword of burning, or even better a unique item. Imperials are loosely based on the Roman empire, so it would of been cool if they gave you some roman looking loot.

Also, the way the Rewards are given to you is rather anticlimactic, like i said, General Tullius just casually passes you a weapon or piece of armor, like its no big deal, you just slaughtered 4 or 5 forts and a city full of angry, blood frenzied Stormcloaks.... instead they could of had a big ceremony at the end of the Civil war, all the imperial soldiers lined up in the courtyard outside castle Dour, the General and Legate Rikke standing at the end of the line ready to present the brave and noble imperial soldiers with a reward. Hadvar steps forward first and claims his reward and then its your turn.... why is the none of this? :ermm: it would of actually rewarded the player and made them feel like they accomplished something from the war....instead i'm just left with the feeling that none of it mattered.

Report to Legate Rikke

Don't get me wrong i like her character but i don't understand why they added so many Legate's into the game and then only used Legate Rikke, regardless what imperial camp you go too she's always the one giving you orders, what about all the other Legate's? Where the hell do they go when your in their camp?!

It would of made much more sense if it was a different guy (or gal) giving you the orders, so that you actually got to see a glimpse of their character, and how the war has effected them when you finished all their quests.

instead we get lumbered with the same person telling us to do the same things over and over again...

Minor Quests

Minor quests would have been great, it would of given you something to do while not actually progressing through the main civil war part of the quest line, i really thought the would be more to do then just kill Stormcloaks when i joined the legion, to name a few you could:
  • Take down smugglers.
  • Rescue an imperial citizen held hostage by Stormcloaks.
  • Defend the Legions name from a Holy man, using non violent means.
  • Kill a rouge imperial soldier, he was a member of the legion but now worships a Daerda lord.
i can't really think of anymore right now but I'm pretty sure there's more then 4 ideas out there.
Also, to make the quest a bit more beefy i think it would of been pretty cool if the Stormcloaks tried to take back their fort that you stole from them, it could be an optional thing, you dont have to help defend it but you could if you wanted to. The only risk with not helping defend is they could take it over again.

Wipe out the Camps they said..

I tired..i tired SO HARD to kill that final leader Stormcloak but it's no use, it wont work, i hack at him and he stands back up i FusRoDa him off a cliff...nope still alive, it's like they made them a permanent character just to reeaaalllllyyyy annoy. Sorry, General I'm a failure to the Legion because i cant kill the last guy :unsure2:

Now it's your turn to have your say, do you agree with my points? or have you got some even better ideas? discuss :smile:
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 4:49 pm

I'd have made the quests themselves more detailed along with better rewards.
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Dean Brown
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Post » Thu Apr 25, 2013 7:16 pm

i could probably see alot more of tactical espionage quests like being a spy or a double agent rather than "storm the front" kind of quests.
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m Gardner
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