A redgaurd theif joining the companions. I wish Skyrim had the option to leave guilds. I dont want to be in the companions as a theif. Its stupid to me.
A redgaurd theif joining the companions. I wish Skyrim had the option to leave guilds. I dont want to be in the companions as a theif. Its stupid to me.
Leaving a guild is as easy as just not doing the quest line any more. There is no way to actually leave one but this is the same thing. Al quests are optional.
You could go with rumours of them having rare weapons, maybe? Your thief wants to steal them, so goes in as some kind of false-agent, gain their trust, gain access to their "vault", et cetera?
Kodlak: "Sometimes the famous come to us. Sometimes men and women come to us to seek their fame. It makes no difference. What matters is their heart."
Vilkas: "And their arm."
Seriously though, it is your choice. You being Thieves Guild isn't official, and the Companions accepts those who have the heart and skill to be one of them. There is also an Imperial and a Dunmer among their ranks, and there have been an Altmer Harbinger in the past, so a Redguard should be fine, even if the majority of the members are Nords.
Edit: There was a Redguard Harbinger as well, before the elven one. Source: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Great_Harbingers
If it s stupid, then why are you wanting to do it in the first place?
Maybe wanting formal training in the way of weapons so you can stay true to being a Nightingale?
The practically of it rather simple. Walk out and never return.
If you are looking for a RP perspective as to "why" you would do it. Just look at it from a point of... while you were out in the world, you came across another opportunity. Your character is compelled to go another path. You indulged in the temptation of becoming a thief and you liked it. You now have a crave that can only be satisfied by continuing that way and are simply drawn away for anything associated with the Companions.
It really doesn't matter I mean if your asking if being a redguard is wrong well they don't incline towards the nord hate on other races.. If your asking about being a thief in the companions well its up to the person playing it. I mean it's not like your gonna steal their stuff.. If you are then just don't get caught. I myself am the listener, thieves guild leader (they held the ceremony so i guess its official), Vampire Lord, Dragonborn (of course) and their harbringer so it doesn't matter.. Unless your doing an RP.. What matters is that you can get the job done.
As for leaving the guilds, just stop coming to the guild location or doing quests for them is like the same as being "on leave". Or like the laws in each hold.. It doesn't matter if your a wanted man in Solitude if you don't do anything in Whiterun you'd be fine.
the Companions aren't very Honorable, they are Thugs just like the Thieves Guild, only they are more honest about it...
I mean the Companions given out Contracts that involve beating up old women, doesn't guess much less honorable then that...
While Tamriels Fighters guild as featured in previous titles were "honorable warriors", the Companions of Skyrim are just a bunch of Thugs who really don't have a code of honor like the FG did...
So from an RP standpoint, your character would realize their criminal syndicate would be much more powerful by merging with the Companions..
Pretty much the most boring and lackluster guild to ever exist in TES. You can ignore them easily if it annoys you that much.
The "old Lady" is a nord usually and refuses to stop doing whatever it is she is doing, plus you do challenge the person to a fist fight and the person agrees.
They are just as honorable (if not more honorable) than the fighters guild.
IMO, the fighters guild was a bunch of shoved in quests in Oblivion, Liked the idea and they were not bad, but the companions were a FAR better Guild and Story (if a bit short)
the end does not justify the means
okay, give me an example of how the Companions are more honorable then the FG, or honorable at all
The Person accepted the challenge or is the one to attack YOU. An honorable duel IS honorable.
Also, every quest for them (besides the ones to get revenge on the Silver hand) is saving someone or getting someone to stop causing trouble.
Also the FG had you infiltrate a rival faction and use sneaky tactics to figure out what they were doing. I would not consider that Honorable all that much. IMO, the FG seemed more thuggish then the companions.
Maybe your Redguard friend had a run-in with bandits, and realized that to be able to keep what he has rightfully stolen, he needs to be proficient in battle. Joining the Companions could get him that.
1) they are doing it for the pay, not for the honor.. the fact the only missions they do take without pay involve killing a group of Monster Hunters (who are just trying to make Skyrim a safer place) show their true Colors... heck, they even come right out and say when you join "were doing this for the pay, now go out and take a contract"
2) while the Infiltration was part of the FG questline, it was not sanctioned by the FG.. those missions were given by Modryn Oreyn AFTER he was expelled from the FG, as such those actions had nothing to do with the Fighters Guild besides being in the same quest-line.. then we have multiple Fighters Guild members who clearly say they are doing what they are doing simply to try and help people and other honorable reasons...
the Companions may be a good questline, but as a faction they are a group of money hungry thugs, while the FG was less about the cash and more about honor and helping people (the fact you could give people money so they didn't have to sell family heirlooms support this)
I see it the opposite way. When you are given a Rescue mission by the Companions, the quest-giver specifically tells you to hurry and find them. before something bad happens Also, Each member tells you a completely different reason for the companions, most of them join because of Honor or helping people.
Also, lol the silver hand killed EVERY Werewolf they came across, good or bad, the Companions circle are Werewolves but save people and keep the peace. Anyone who considers the Silver Hand GOOD was not paying attention.
because thats what they are being paid to do.. like i said, they are in it for the Septims..
because 99% of werewolves will go Feral at some point, as shown by every random werewolf encounter going feral and attacking you, as well as the story told by Sinding..
so yes, they are killing the werewolves to try and make Skyrim a safer place..
That is like saying ALL vampires should be killed because they will all go insane at one point, simply not true and stereotyping them.
Also, you can tell by the way they say it, it is out of concern for that person's safety.
"it was evident that the group was overzealous at best, and at its worst was no better than a group of bandits, murdering unarmed civilians and torturing their captives, even those not suffering from lycanthropy. To spite the Companions, the Silver Hand also attempted to retrieve scattered pieces of Wuuthrad, the shattered axe of Ysgramor which was of great importance to them."
You can't really defend the Silver Hand because they're pretty much bandits with "Silver Hand" slapped on their names. I honestly blame Bethesda for it though. They went kind of lazy on the whole Companion questline and just needed some unoriginal bad guys with little depth to them who are opposing the good guys. So, bandits.