How would you reset Quest A Turn For the Worse

Post » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:55 pm

My game must have had a glitch or something because when I play this Quest the body are not their but the Blood is so i would like to know if their is a consol command the I can use to reset the quest or reset the Fighters Guild over I have too. I hope i don't have to start a new game becaues i have a 160 hours and level 32. So can someone please help me.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:14 am

this thread should be moved I think, either to Cheats, Hints & Spoilers or the troubleshooting forum. It might garner faster attention there.

I'm forgetting which quest this is. If it's the one I'm thinking of, there's some weapons & armor you have to retrieve? Sorry it's been awhile. I'm not good with quest names, anyways. Anyways, I think it's the one where
there's some weapons & armor in this cave or something, which belonged to this fallen knight or something?

If that's it, there's not much you can do in vanilla, but possibly the console might make a difference. Others here should be able to help you better than I can.
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Post » Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:24 am

You can advance or complete a quest via the command console on PC, but you cannot back it up, reset it or do it over via the console.

About the only consideration is whether you have a save from before the quest.

Now, DLC or mod quests are a different matter. You can complete the Knights of th NIne (for exampe), deactivate it and it is gone. Reactivate it and you can do it all over again. My character has done Mehrunes Razor several times. this way.
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