Only solid, positive info I can gain are that hands, arms and faces look good.
Had the write up begun with a description, or at least an overview of skills, attributes etc I would feel more confident about the game's roll playing credentials. As it is, the write up jumps directly into a detailed overview of combat. I do not feel this is a good sign, game focus = combat. Indeed, mention is made of limiting certain progressions to 'avoid exploits' which, from Ob, roughly translates to 'protecting the combat experience' where I would prefer making the best of the game from the choices I make wrt character progression. This is back to the old argument of give the player enough flexibility and many will spoil their game through power playing and then come to the forums and complain the game is 'too easy'. Do we really need to be protected from ourselves? Just how much nannying will the game contain?
The game eventually logs a huge storehouse of knowledge about how you've played, and subsequently tailors content to your capabilities and experiences. Entering a city, a young woman might approach you and beg you to save her daughter from kidnappers. The game will look at the nearby dungeons you've explored, automatically set the mission in a place you've never visited, and designate opponents that are appropriately matched to your strengths and weaknesses.
This is worrying on three counts:
1) Is it an indication that the player will never encounter instant death experiences a'la Ob? Reading too much into it perhaps.
2) 'automatically set the mission in a place you've never visited'. As an obsessive explorer I must ask what happens when I explore the entire region?
3) At worst this could bring back the feeling of the entire world revolving around the player. I hated that last time.
No mention of sneak, lock-pick etc.
No mention of factions.
No mention of clothing slots or levitation or so many other things

Dual wielding has me more worried about the combat centric nature of the game. I hope 2 swords = -30% agility, -50% block to add some level of 'reality'.
On the positive I see no annoying pop-ups lurking to break immersion and no wild enthusiasm for mini-games. Alchemy remains and Enchantment is once more a skill I believe, I wait with interest to see what they have done with them this time around.
Voted: I don't like the Information, very little in the write up appeals to me.
Overall enthusiasm is down.