I'm really trying to get Preston to wear this Minuteman Power Armour set I made for him.... but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get him to wear the darn thing.
I'm really trying to get Preston to wear this Minuteman Power Armour set I made for him.... but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get him to wear the darn thing.
Try clicking each piece in his inventory and see if there's an option to equip in the action menu below the inventory window, maybe? That's how I got Dogmeat to wear his bandana.
You can't give power armour in to someones inventory. In F4 it works as a sort of vehicle, rather then equipment.
I know it's possible for Preston to wear Power Armour...
How do you add pictures on this site... very confusing - Anyhoo, here is the link to the image of Preston wearing the armour...
Click on preston to command, then scroll over empty power armor suit and tell him to get in it. your welcome.
That does not work... It just stays on the GO command when I scroll over the power armour. That was how I thought the power armour should be used but it doesn't even exist as far as commands go.
it works for me, does the power armor have a fusion core in it? I gave my companion a completely broken power armor suit and she got in it. make sure there is a fusion core.
Hmmm... I didn't have Preston as my companion at the time... I really should have thought of that. I thought it was like assigning settlers to things like the crops... as Preston is patrolling Sanctuary I thought I could just give him the armour. Anyhoo, I will check it later. Thanks pointing me in the right direction anyway.
Finally a use for all those power armor frames
You have to make him follow you first, he wont do it when hes staying somewhere, then command him and click on the armor, but he will leave the armor when he stops following you sadly, I wanted him to wear it while guarding sactuary but he won't, as soon as he stops following you he leaves the power armor and runs away
Thats what i find regrettable as well. We will have to wait for mods then. What else is new...
I wanted him to use the armour when patrolling Sanctuary too... Unfortunately I can't get Preston to follow me because whenever I dismiss the dog he looks and sounds sooooo sad that I have to call him back. I sooooo wish you could have a dog or robot and one human like in previous Bethesda engine games.
Although my dog is pretty cool now with a spiked muzzle and body armour. Oh and I ONLY just reached Diamond City... At 50 hours into the game LOL.