» Tue May 17, 2011 12:01 am
Look, even without the DLCs (download contents) I did 90 hours just going to about three quarters of the possible named places, exploring the game content that was there, the quests that were available, taking a quest if I fancied it, and I did during that time (90 hours) only a few of the total quests available, they were big quests, intricate, interesting and almost small games in themselves, and I hadn't even started the main quest yet, I was delaying starting that for later.
That gives an idea of how much time can be spent on finding 3/4 of the locations and just taking a few choice quests, and I had not even started the main quest yet. Many of those locations found also deserve a revisit to do what was left undone. The amount of game-play content in the game is staggering, wildly varied and will give a fantastic game.
A fair estimate of time to do all the rest of the game-play would be 150-200 hours, leaving out doing things you might find of less to your taste. There are many smaller game-play details to be found that add flavour and polish, and many random events that add the same. Variation and randomisation seem to be a big factor of the game, a reload is never even quite the same, that itself should give good replay value.