I am kind of curious on how you would fight a giant, in oblivion you would probably spam his ankles with slashing and spells but with how the combat system is now, I think that it would kind of stupid to try to brainlessly attack it.
Well, since I don't have intelligence anymore, how else would I do it?
How would you go about killing a giant? Also how bout a dragon? i would guess you would go for the eyes and hands? Please leave a comment on how you think or how you would kill a dragon
Giant: Jump from above onto its head. crawl into its ear and into its head. there, I'll be sure to look through both of its eyes like windows, then I'll sing a lullaby until it falls over. I'll climb out its nostril then doa silent backstab for more damage!
Kick it in the shins and run like hell (that's what my dad taught me, word for word) Then lure it to a field of my choice
Dragon: Well, aparently I have to use my shout to be on par with it :shrug: I'd really rather use time stop to set a bunch of traps just outside of encounter reange, then go nanny nanny boo bo to lure it into the mechanical ambush! Hey, it worked in BG II

Or there's this:
Spike: And in terms of a plan?
Angel: We fight.
Spike: Bit more specific?
Angel: Well personally, I kinda wanna slay the dragon. Let's go to work!