Example: I’m fighting off the death claws and I deicide its time to take out my fat man, I blast all them apart but I end up making my companions made. (Arcade- Boone) Veronica and the rest of my team try to defend me but fails and Boone seems to be the survivor. But while this was happening I was looting the place ignoring the Firefight. :facepalm:
With only little health forgetting to heal Boone lets a round of and kills me.
2: The president is making a speech I get a little to close to the stage and they start firing at me (I kill them all), But not fast enough before Boone my one companion at the time throws a grenade killing me.
3: I’m walking along the death claw pit and I see the head of one flying around along the ground. It stops moving and I run up to inspect the floating head, when I near it the death claw head looks down on me. It let out a little snarl and I die.
4: I shot a fat-man and it just hit the side of the wall I was standing near nearly killing me. With my leg hurt I limp of to hide and regain health I end up stepping on the skeleton and I die.
Now what are your silly or just plain stupid ways you have died? Please share.