And how do you fill it?
And how do you fill it? page to Soul Gems.
Welcome to the forums, btw
Be sure to read the second bullet under the Bugs section. I don't know why this info is listed as a bug. It's quite useful to know how to safely get rid of an unwanted soul from a soul gem.
Because it's a bug.
It doesn't really make that much sense for a soul to escape merely by dropping the gem on the ground, when it takes one to destroy the gem and actually break it open for it to be used in enchanting.
Didn't say it wasn't useful... I do the same thing.
Still doesn't dodge the fact that is is a bug. They only reason I don't feel cheap by using it is because the game should have a better gem management system. There is a mod that addresses that very thing.
I guess I have no future in game design. It's difficult for me to understand what makes sense and what doesn't in a conversation about souls being trapped in gems. Honestly, this is all arbitrary stuff created in response to technical and marketing requirements. I rarely look for consistent, internal, logic. Also, kind of a cool bug - I take advantage of it frequently.
Sure it a fantasy environment, but you still have to have a standard of common sense mechanics involved. It has nothing to do with anything being arbitrary ( you throw a ball in the air and it comes down ) nothing random or inventive about that, nor is related to marketing.