I'm loving FO4. Sure it's not perfect, far from it imho, but I'm still lovin' it.
The things I keep strongly disliking the most about it are the limited dialogue options, the limited quest choices, and the crude workshop/settlement implementation.
What I like most about it is it's wonderfully immersive representation of a post-apocalyptic urbanised area.
Do note though that I do play on PC, with mods. So that possibly inflates my opinion of the game. (Also note that I also played TES3, TES4, Oblivion, F3, F:NV, TES5 with mods, that possibly inflates my opinion of those games as well.)
I will add that FO4 is not my game of the year for 2015. For me that's definitely The Witcher 3. Also not a perfect game I might add.
Yeah, even games we love to death are not perfect, but in my book they don′t have to be
I have 3 mods. One gives me more options in the launcher, dumb really as I edited the inis long ago. Still I keep it up. One gives me a better map and the most important, and the reason Nexusmods runs on my game, is that one makes the stupid wheel go away, and gives me an approximation of what is said in 4 lines of text.
Apart from that and some RP narrowness, it's just great. I'm toying with the game at level 60 something, trying to set up a spectacular ending with basically 100% betrayal of nearly everyone. Then Ill fire up a new char, this one is already way OP, and do it different.
well GTA is a great franchise, i see you picked about the only game franchise that rates higher than fallout 4, GTA games usually are really close to a 10, and not many games really come close rockstars GTA franchise as far a ratings and popularity, rockstar is solid, its all story driven and the world although huge is kinda shalllow in many ways, you can't go in hardly any of the houses or buildings, its all window dressing, its mostly a driving/story driven game, so its all good but its not really close to what fallout 4 is, not many games come close to fallout 3 or 4, very few franchises hit it out of the park as far as the game world itself, i'm not talking story, the story in a game can only take the game so far, the crafted world and interactiion with the world is a huge part of the experience for me, i can name a few that are quite good but the list is small for me, bio shock 1 and 3, deus ex HR, fallout 3, dishonored 2, GTA V, skyrim thats about it, wolfenstein are crysis ok franchises but i can't think of any games in the last couple years that are better than fallout 4 to me, fallout 4 offers elements that other games simply don't.
I have play each and every Fallout Game, from 1 to 4, NV, Tactics.
Love each a every game.
Steam have me armound 300hs on Fallout4 at the momment, and i still playing. For me Fo4 is a huge improvement over 3 and NV. Yeah i miss some of the options on the dialogues but i can live with it.
I stopped playing fallout4 on ps4 becuase i am stuck on the desdemona bug .
But realy love the game but is a story killer in my opinion
I realy hope they fix this soon so i can finish the story the way i want to end it.
Oh, yes. Forcing bash and grenade on the same key. So much fail there.
Although it does provide some hilarious "oh crap" moments of utter panic.
I'm used to it. Once you figure it out it's not a big problem. You see nades throw on release, this allows the arc you get for a point in Explosives, to activate when you hold press and throw the nade when you release it. Good accuracy is quite easy like this. The bash is a simple stab or hit. activates on release as well but if there is very little time between stab and release, it hits. So when I toss one, I want the arc and wait for it, then aim and throw. You can turn off armed nades with an another TAB.
I have not screwed it up in quite a while now, and I use nades all the time, and stab quite a bit.
I'm on the fence about Fallout 4. Yes it's an enjoyable Fallout game, but i feel that the game missed a couple of marks that Bethesda should've capitalized on, especially the settlement system, Seeing how the modding community added things like Robot defenders, placing things wherever you want to. Without being restricted, etc.
and of course what everyone else has been saying over the past couple of weeks and months after release lol.
-Craftable ammo/weapons (Which is now a mod. Or will be a mod).
- hardcoe Mode (Yes, i know. It's annoying seeing it over and over again. But Survival mode felt useless. To me anyways).
- Competent A.I lol does Bethesda have a "Lydia A.I" system that they are using or what? lol
- Less bugs and glitches. <---Which technically isn't a problem seeing how a lot of games have these sort of problems. But this is the third time now lol first Fallout 3, then Skyrim, now Fallout 4 lol
and so on and so forth
That's a major con for me. Brian Delaney and the dialogue system really taints an otherwise great game and keeps it in the friend zone for me....sorry Fallout 4 but you'll never win my heart no matter how beautiful you look
After the initial negative reaction I had from it, coming back I am enjoying it and having a blast. Really love the exploration and the art direction.
Same here! This was an easy fix when I played the PC version where I just modded out the dialog wheel and silenced the main character. I can see Fo4 easily becoming one of my favorite games when I can mod those things on the PS4.
Yes the city design and exploration is stunning. I feel like i am in a actual city where going down one block or turning the corner will put me in a totally different neighborhood. Everything is so densely packed and well put together. Then there is the ambient environmental music by Inon Zur along with the radio stations which enhance the mood even more. I also love how crossing long expanses of deep water is now very dangerous to my character. Am definitely feeling very human instead of a superman as i explore the very dangerous world of Fallout 4.
I love F4. As much as Fallout 1, actually. It's better than F2, but that's because F2 story was all over the place (people cry about boring main quest from Bethesda, F2 main quest felt pointless) and it really did not do anything for me that F1 had already done. Fallout 4 is what Fallout 3 should've been. It's better in every way, imo.
It's also the first Bethesda game since Daggerfall, were I just played from the start, without waiting for tons of mods to add all the things I often found is missing. I guess one could say; obviously since modding for that game was and is basically nonexistent. Morrowind (such a overhyped game in many older fans eyes, nostalgia makes a person blind) I did not enjoy at all until we had Better Bodies and a lot of other mods. Oblivion I played a few hours here and there, but I got bored. Fallout 3 I did not pick up until shortly after the release of FNV, both I did not enjoy until after I added lots of mods. Skyrim was great, when all the mods I needed (visual, combat and general gameplay oriented ones) had arrived. Fallout 4 I did not need any mods to love it. But sure I love it even more now when there's lots of mods out there to download.
Agreed. The urban environment of Boston is full of so much detail to discover from smaller towns like Lexington and Quincy, to ones as vast as Cambridge and the Finnancial District. So many ways paths to traverse the environment from the streets and alleyways or going up fire escapes and lifts to reach rooftops or the ruined super highways.
Like I said, what I believe to be one of Bethesda's most well designed and detailed game worlds.
i'm ok with if it's not "perfect".
it's a consequence of the fact they tried lots of new stuff.
they could've made a "perfect" fallout 3 4, but i surely prefer it like this
Love it!
It is defenitively among the best games I ever played. Maybe even the best. I did not think I would like it as much as I do. I had until now always preffered the fantasy setting over sci-fi. Fallout 4 changed that. I think Fallout 4 is better than Morrowind, Fallout 3 and Skyrim.
I agree with what goes around: It's a good game, meh RPG, horrible Fallout.
And by the way, I love corvi, but what bird is that exactly?
You mean my avatar? I don′t know, I just found it somewhere. I like to think of it as a crow or raven, even though a raven is more black