» Sun May 05, 2013 8:35 pm
I like wearing the Stalhrim (Deathbrand) and occasionally Carved Nordic, one of my characters is trying out Ahzidal's waterwalking boots, and the lowest level one has taken a liking to a bonemold set, since it was easy to get. All my thieves were high level and not interested in the Blackguard set, none wear robes so Miraak's or the cultists robes were not that appealing none are really into fur so the Skaal set were never used and I never liked the chitin or whatever those Morag Tong were wearing.
All the armour but Miraak's and the House Telvanni robes ended up on a mannequin some where, Miraak's ended up in a display case and those Telvanni ones vanished on me once and I have been suspicious of them ever since, so keep them in storage. I was disappointed the chitin and bonemold shields were set to display on their sides instead of straight when you put them on a shield plaque. They would have looked nice on display.