Now that we were mentioning DB armor.
How would the Nordic Carved chestplate look with ebony boots and gauntlets? I have a feeling it clips, but oh well.
Chitin Armor, Forsworn weapons and Dragonbone arrows. Love it.
Why "new"? They aren't just retextures.
I like the Nordic armor and weapons, but the rest i'll never use :hehe; Well, maybe Stahlrim.
What is Stahlrim anyway? It only appears around ancient corpses Surprising that there is no Lore article in the UESP for it.
Stahlrim imo is great for female Characters. I still prefer My Dragonplate aromr though, mostly because I don't want to forge a new set of Armor.
I use Carved Nordic except for the helm, and a Stalhrim sword. In my opinion, the armor in Dragonborn is the best looking in the entire game.
Morrowind memories for sure, I love the stalhrim armor and the ice pick, it makes me think like wow, they brought the armor to a game with better graphics, but hey morrowind will always be my most favorite game, because I love how the whole story goes. Stalhrim in morrowind was awesome I loved how the shield was for that armor nothing will ever replace that.
Nordic Carved is badass. My one heavy armor character will be wearing that soon. I really really wish they had made a Light Armor version similar to it for my other characters.
Stalhrim is pretty neat. I like the overall design, but I'm not too crazy with the Power Rangers powdered blue...but knowing that it's "ice" I can deal with it. I really don't like the helmet though.
Not too crazy about the Bonemold or Chitin. I like that I can make it, and I like seeing it on other NPCs like those guards. My characters will never wear it though.
On that note, I wish that I could eventually learn to craft everything in game. Not so that I could wear it, necessarily, but just so that I can...and for no other reason than that
skaal and nordic are nice, the rest are ugly
These all look a lot better than some of the old armors, but I still use my Daedric. That being said, I don't mind using my Improved Bonemold or Stalhrim from time to time.
Nordic carved is ok but i wont be wearing it , if armoured i prefer the Ancient Falmer to anything else in game but usually i wear robes
I am working on my Smithing to get the Nordic gear and it looks great in the pictures.
I really like Bonemold armour! Chitin looks much better on female characters imo
where in sohlsteim and at what lvl can I find nord carved swords?
OT: And I'd have to say deathbrand is my Fav
I'm using a heavily enchanted "Legendary" set of Morag Tong armor and I really like it, But the armor set that I really love is Miraak's armor. The only problem with Miraak's armor is that it's already enchanted The armor set would be 100% more awesome if I could have enchanted it myself. I wish they would add a way to disenchant armor without destroying it and you could only do it with level 100 enchanting.....Something! Anything! But I still wear Miraak's set every now and again and It still looks amazing!
I'm wearing a bonemold armor enchanted by myself, and I've got a collection of all those on my mannequins...
I just smithed a set of Nordic armor and LOVE it on my nord warrior/paladin character.
Nordic Carved looks appropriate for Skyrim, I love running around in it in the snowy regions. Favorite is Stahlrim, run around as the Warrior of the North, a warrior encased in impenetrable ice armor using a sword of similar material to freeze opponents with a single cut.