tryign do miscelanious quest is like theres no quest markers and im completely lost
also doesnt help i havent played since spring
also over world map just shows me skyrim land
tryign do miscelanious quest is like theres no quest markers and im completely lost
also doesnt help i havent played since spring
also over world map just shows me skyrim land
Exit is at southwest. Boneyard is at north. Those should give you a rough heading.
Just roam around, and take note of your surrounds. When you go to the map, you will have the world map, but if you press X on the xbox, you go to the dungeon map. I always save the mother last, cause she is the only one that has a marker.
how do i leave i did the quest bit i needed do here and got horsey .-.
guide book map says im next to a teleporter but no text prompt or anythign to activate it ?
how do i get the vampire person to stop following me i hate her necromancy cuz ash piles wont clean up
thats like 100 quest away .-. omg she has to follow me the entire time!!!
Vuldovthurii Sildulun says that the Soul Cain is lovely this time of year.
And it won't be that long before you can part ways.
tell her to part ways, there's only a couple of quests where she will refuse to leave (hate those moments) but otherwise she will go wait at the fort/castle.