Recently I embarked on quiet a tedious, but satisfying quest. Converting all the members of the Brotherhood of Steel into Enclave.
First, I go around collecting Enclave Armor off of dead soldiers, then repairing it so they have more DR than BoS Power Armor. I then reverse pickpocket it onto an unsuspecting BoS member, who unconsciously decided to put it on.

I've just started with the Citadel. This is a very long, and boring process, I have to and kill Enclave, bring back their Armor, which I can only bring a maximum of 5 or 6 at a time, then risk detection when reverse pick-pocketing, which if gone wrong would result in reloading a save and trying again.. Also, I don't think I have to mention how many members of the BoS there are in the Citadel, it's safe to say, atleast 30.
In the end it's all worth it. It's worth while doing on 360 because of the hardship involved, on PC Im sure there's some fancy mod or whatever that can make it all happen with the blink of an eye.
After Im done with the Citadel, I'll probably go for the entire Wasteland.. If Im up to it, maybe even everyone in The Pitt.