i usually see my archers being betrayed by the hunter and huntress clan and being exiled to the forgotten vale to die alone...how sad a ending that is...
i usually see my archers being betrayed by the hunter and huntress clan and being exiled to the forgotten vale to die alone...how sad a ending that is...
Morrigan, the bosmer witch will find some way to become immortal
Valeria Stormborn, the forsworn savage will either meet her match in battle or die an old woman in some remote place in the Reach.
I don't usually see death in the cards when planning a character's retirement however.
It really depends how M'aiq sees how his character dies. It all depends when he is done with his character.
His current character on Xbox, Cyrus (a Redguard), is probably going to die of old age with his spouse alongside him on his bed.
He currently doesn't have a current character on PC.
My current character, a warrior teaching the soon to be legendary 'Erik the Slayer' will most likely meet his demise as his fomer apprentice bests him in combat.
Depends on the character.
Those that don't die as part of their playthrough either die eventually due to the dangers of their profession or from old age. One (my main one) is immortal, so no death for him. Ever. For the rest of time. Not even suicide.
Grey-haired, fighting legions of Thalmor by himself, in a thunderstorm he conjured.
On a mountain top, with a sword in one hand and a fireball spell in the other, fighting 5 dragons and an army of draugr death overlords. And he has a beard, so that will make his death even more manly and epic.
Desperately seeking immortality only to be betrayed by Herma Mora.
Okay I'll stop.
My characters always die getting overwhelmed by thalmor and of course, taking loads of those bastards with em!
Beheaded in the Imperial City as a sign of the Empires good will towards the Dominion.
That fairly familiar, oh wait master and apprentice like....
He is shot to death and left to rot in a ditch somewhere in the Nibenay Basin.
Leading his multiracial troops in battle against the Aldmeri Dominion. It'll be like a cross between https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pis3veqKl8k&index=13&list=FLyCg0O-m1e1T5CzhubR_ZFQ, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ll4qS4anGo&list=FLyCg0O-m1e1T5CzhubR_ZFQ&index=23 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ILqbD6XXkA. And by sheer coincidence it seems like he'll not only have a Mrs at the time, but also a couple of daughters too!
Atop the Throat of the world i fly off riding a legendary dragon. As we fly around something hit my dragon causing it to spiral to the ground killing it. As i get up and the dust settles i see an army of all of the holds waiting to see my next move. So i use my Shout to knock them back and then a fire wall to prevent them from coming through. I slowly turn to run only to find myself caught off guard by a troll knocking me unconscious. When i came to i was in some prison like cell only it seemed to be underground. As i looked around at the Guards i realized that this was one of the blades hidden bases. I was curious to know if Delphine knew i was there and out of know where my answer was received. She told me that i should have listened and killed all dragons. She then told me i let her, the blades, and everyone else down thus we give you life in this underground prison. So i shrugged it off and sat down for a bit thinking of my escape then it hit me "I'm going to die here in this place no matter what so better now then later!" So i shouted the cell door off the hinges knocking out the 2 guards there. As i exited the cell 20 guards cornered me. Thinking on my feet i used the only thing i new that could allow me to reach Delphine "the fire storm." i summoned all my might up and cast the spell turning them all to ash. Just then i heard her voice telling me to stop and i looked at her in a rage. This was it the final battle to take me to Sovengarde to be a true hero of Skyrim. She pulled out her blade as did I as we both charged in full force and as our swords locked i told her "We live, we die, but this day, we both die!" With those words i pushed her back and using the last of my magica i used the Blizzard spell draining me completely. Then i see that she is slowly starting to turn to ice thinking maybe i would live but just as that thought hit me something struck me in the back. As a reach around to pull it i see a rouge atop a statue one of the Dark Brotherhood. When i pull out the arrow there is a note which read as follows " Aurora you may have been one of the greatest members of the Brotherhood but your time is up you have about 10 minutes to live for this arrow was dipped in the most deadly of poison's. Enjoy!!!" At that very moment Delphine burst out in a rage charging at me again. 8 minutes past by and both of us are wore down my Armor is just hanging on my by a thread and hers is cracked to pieces. Then as she swung her sword one last time at me i saw my chance and countered knocking her sword back and pinning her to the ground my blade at her throat. I have less then a minute now and to make my death worth it im taking you with me. So with my final breath i leaned forward putting all my weight on my arms pushing the blade through her neck to the cold stone below. Goodbye... Delphine......... hope u like this it came off the top of my head im sure its lame or needs work but eh anyway this girl is heading to bed lol
My main character Sejanus, gets kidnapped and murdered by the Dark brotherhood. When his family hears of his death Sejanus's two sons vow vengeance against the assassins guild. I think that's where I'll start the next game, assuming it's set after Skyrim.
Uh, that depends.
1) My Dunmer vamp, Nidali... Likely never. She's power-crazy and will likely find some way to become immortal.
2) My Altmer main, Erissa Fireblood... Maybe she'll die peacefully in her sleep at age 500 or so, maybe slain in battle, or maybe have to be cut down from the rope she hung herself with.
3) My CoC, Elanin Fireblood, mantles Sheogorath. she left a part of herself behind to continue her mortal life, and her soul was whisked away for it's next rebirth, as Erissa's guardian spirit. See #4
4) My ESO altmer main, Iroril Fireblood, He'll make a pact with Akatosh on his deathbed. He would be reborn in times of need, through his descendants. In the case of the Dragonborn, he's more of a guardian spirit, as her soul is a dragon's, and instead of being the Nerevarine, he's the Nerevarine's companion.
5) MY ESO Dunmer Vamp-to-be, see #1. Same character, just 1000 years younger.
(edit: If someone who knows lore better than me is willing to help, I'd like to flesh out the rebirth thing in a way that doesn't break lore)