How do you play? Builds and Tactics!

Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 11:15 pm

Please stay on topic! No biching about the games issues here!

Ill start...

Im level 21 now and loving the game! My name is nKD(Negative KD) Litego.

Heres my primary build, the one I like the most

Name: SMG
Primary Weapon: Feline, Reflex, Suppressor, Extended Mag.
Secondary Weapon: Hammer
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Suit Modules: Armor Enhance, Covert Ops, Mobility Enhance.

Tactic: Basically I just sprint all the time! My general rule still stands, never stand still! When I meet people I turn on Armor mode, aim for the head and start strafing, kill them, then I sprint off again. On Crash Site I always throw my grenade at the site before I approach it, almost always get at least 1 kill that way, its hilarious!

Im thinking of changing Reflex sight with Laser and Mobility Enhance with Point Fire Enhance so I dont have to aim down sight and can keep sprinting :D

Heres my secondary build:

Name: Sniper
Primary Weapon: DSG-1, Sniper, Suppressor, None (I will get Extended Mag on my next unlock).
Secondary Weapon: Feline, Laser, Suppressor, Extended Mag.
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Suit Modules: Proximity Alarm, Visor Enhance, Loadout Pro.

Tactic: Camp in a corner somewhere and shoot people in the head. When Im out looking for people I stealth, destealth, shoot, and back to stealth. After killing someone I move to a different place. While moving from one place to another I have my Feline up in case I meet someone.

I have more builds, but I almost never play them.
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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:52 am

i have 5 classes, each aimed at a different style of play required.

my favorite is Kronos. Scarab (reflex, extended ammo) with L-TAG. does miracles on Crash Site

Artemis. Scarab/DSG. excellent for Lighthouse

Hermes. Jackal/Nova. with energy transfer, stealth and mobility enhance.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 3:16 pm

Sweeet, let's keep it same layout as OP.

I'm Level 34.

Heres my primary build, the one I like the most

Name: Time to raqe
Primary Weapon: Feline, Laser Sight, Suppressor, Extended Mag.
Secondary Weapon: Majestic
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Suit Modules: Nano Recharge, Blind Spot, Mobility Enhance.

Tactic: I have different tactics depending on game mode, and recently I found this really good tactic that works for me. But I'm not gonna tell you cos it's so powerful. Basically sprinting all the time as well, man I love Mobility Enhance, just in the enemy's faces constantly, and with laser sight I cna even pull off those occasional long shots, with a SMG which is unreal!

Heres my secondary build:

Name: One ShotGUN
Primary Weapon: Marshall, Reflex, None, Extended Mag
Secondary Weapon: Hammer I belive, but I never use it cos if you don't get the shotgun kill you will die.
Explosive: Missile Launcher
Suit Modules: Armour Enhance (I think- can't remember), Tracker, Rapid Fire.

Tactic: Basically Scout/Tracker tactics, run around spot someone, follow and kill. Try and manage energy to cloak from cover to cover. Missile launcher is there for that time when you need that long shot. Probably my most used class on Pro mode, man it's fun.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:33 am

I win.
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Justin Bywater
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:44 am

I win.
Nonono, its...

See how its got double exclamation marks for added effect!
I say that in chat in some games to piss people off, they get offended, its funny.
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 12:34 pm

I know I previously criticized the X43 Mike, but I must say I'm quite liking it now!
Combined with Energy Transfer, Stealth Enhance and Mobility Enhance.
Quite a good combination
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Kari Depp
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 5:48 am

At the moment, i am trying to unlock ALL modules for armour, stealth and power.

Trying to reach level 3 for all.

Got 6+ on level 3 at the moment.

Once i have all level 3 modules, see what their advantages are "pro" benefits are, then i can create a proper class.
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Tue Feb 01, 2011 9:47 am

im level 24, will be using scarab @ 27

Primary Weapon: Scar, Reflex, Extended Mag.
Secondary Weapon: Ay69
Explosive: M 17 Frag Grenade
Suit Modules: Energy transfer, Blind spot, Retriever, They're all on level 1 still though, because of the stupid bugs when i log in have to unlock them again
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