I have played it twice and am on the third playthrough.
I try and keep all factions and groups alive worth saving.
I like them all apart from the vile Caesars Legion. I loathe, despise and hate CL. I make a point of killing every single CL I see.
I always tell the Great Khans to find their own glory. It ends well for them when they do that.
I like the NCR whoever I work with.
I try and get high NCR approval. Because I like them and because it is a good idea for when you have to save the president and get into the mainframe to get power from hoover dam.
I like the independant way best. Who would'nt want a army of Mark II Securitrons and control of the Mojave Wasteland?
I try and get my approval to the highest I can with all factions. But not to the point I will do things I don't want to.
I won't slander a good mans name for the Followers Of The Apocolypse to hide what they did (The White Wash). Not to mention the disruption it causes the sharecroppers. You don't mess around with things that big.
I always send the power to everyone in Helios One. It is the best way. I am very tempted to send it to ACHIMEDESII though. I will this time or another playthrough, maybe. I see no point in sending it to Westside and Freeside or any of the others.
I tried to get all the companion quests so far but only got Rex and ED-Es done. Some of the companion quests are wayyyyy too well hidden!
Trying to get Boones and Veronicas done. I like Boone and want him to get the reward for it. Veronica, looks like it's a bit stupid, but I will still do it.
Arcade Gannon, I honestly don't have the patience for it. And no way am I doing some of the things he wants to get his approval. But I will try.
I want to do Lilys but it's really hard to trigger! That is just stupidly hard! It's not even a side quest!
Rose Of Sharon Cassidy. I don't like her and I see no reason to trash the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs for her. But I am curious what happens. I led her to Jean Baptiste to kill the last two playthroughs. It did'nt bother me.
Raul, I don't like him much. And I don't think he likes my characters. He likes the males more. Not particulary motivated to do his quest, since he does'nt actually like me, but I am curious and he should get a better ending than the none quest one gives him.
My favourite companions are Boone, ED-E, Lily, Rex. I like Veronica and Arcade Gannon. I don't like Rose Of Sharon Cassidy and Raul.
I always become a Brotherhood Of Steel Paladin. BoS are awesome.

Not found the Enclave Remnants yet because I have not done Arcades quest yet.
Factions and groups.
I like
Mr House
Brotherhood Of Steel
Great Khans
The Chairmen
White Glove Society
The Boomers.
Followers Of The Apocolypse. Very good but some dubious tactics.
Gun Runners. Not actualy evil despite the name implying they are. I respect them.
The Omertas. A evil group but fair enough. Once Cachino is in charge, much better. No reason to destroy them.
Crimson Caravan
Powder Gangers
Caesars Legion
I have done the Independant ending and NCR, for the trophies and because I wanted to. Independance is best.
Now siding with Mr House for teh trophies and because I want to.
Will do the horrible CL trophies as fast as possible from a point then play properly siding with someone I want to or as independant from the same point.
I will NEVER side with CL.
I try and do every quest I can.
I always hunt down the CL scum stinking up The Strip, be it Alero or Lupes Inculte, who I suspect it will be because he was not in Nipton this time. The Dapper Gambler Suit and Hat are wayyy too good for that scumbag.
Gotta love the Strip. You can kill certain npcs and they don't bother, lol.
My characters are usually good but mercenery. They don't care who they work for, so long as they get paid and it is'nt CL.
In fights I charge in and massacre every enemy, not into being extra careful or stealthy or hiding behind a rock all the time.
I fight all enemies I can, I only use stealth if I have to.
I try and solve some things by speech checks. I am always polite to everyone, apart from CL.
I kill all enemies who cross me or are CL.
I always kill Benny in The Tops Casino. No way I am going to talk to that b**tard. And sleeping wiht the freaking dirty punk? That is just SICK! And deeply illogical. Anything other than killing him the moment you find the scumbag is illogical.
So how to you play? How do you conquer the Mojave Wasteland? Write your past conquests and plans for conquest here.