This is bad advice. Make sure you're using some sort of immersive leveling mod, such as Realistic Leveling or nGCD, make the character you want to play, and just play the game. If you're worry about training skills you're doing it wrong.
Hey now, I know nGCD is super-fantastic and whoever wrote it must be a sixy stud, but "doing it wrong" is a little harsh. It's definitely helpful to make sure people know about alternatives; but you'll make more headway if you don't berate them for choosing a different one for their personal entertainment. Some people really do enjoy playing the numbers, it's all good.
(If this were posted on the nGCD thread, of course, I'd take a different tone; but "this mod is wrong for you" isn't the same as "you are wrong.")
Anyway. To answer the main question: Breton Paladin has it pretty much spot-on. The design of OOO, which FCOM is built around, is that at the beginning of the game
you are not a hero. You might become one, but destiny isn't gonna grease the wheels for you. You're just some schmuck who got tossed in prison for who knows what; not important enough for anyone to know your name yet, or possibly you've been rotting there so long everyone's forgotten. You've got potential but you lack skill (or at least, you're very rusty), and it will take some real effort to overcome that. And once you've got a handle on mudcrabs and feel ready to break out into the wider world... well, you'll find that there's a reason for all the heavily-armed city militia. Stuff gets nasty fast.
Greater variety aside, the biggest thing OOO changes is that the world does not level with you: stuff very close to the city is not very hard, and stuff just a little ways from the city is much, much harder,
but the difficulty of any given location does not change. So once you've gained a few levels, you can safely go places that would have killed you before. Since the world isn't leveling up with you, your progress feels genuine. You pay for this sense of actual accomplishment at the other end, with a world full of places that will quickly and efficiently kill you if you're not ready for them. It can be shocking, but most people who give it some time find the trade-off entirely worth it.