I have played Fallout 3 and Fallout NV, Oblivion not so much and those games were laid out pretty simple, go here do said quest and continue on, performing side quest and completing those before you go back to your main quest.
I just was curious how do you properly play? Do you go about the main quest first or side quest than back to main quest? I have a tendency to kill everything loot it and haul it back to town to try and sell it because I know that getting money is a priority in any game that has an economy system. I hate being a pack rat but is money an issue in games like this?
What is all of your opinions? Should I just treat it like a hack and slash kill dragons and explore the whole word type or deal? Or should I treat it like a diablo game and finish the main quest and go back and try to do the rest of the stuff kinda deal?
please don't flame or hate, just trying to ask for everyone's opinion so i can enjoy the game properly and the way it's meant to be played.