I'm conflicted about my use of the console - I never cheat my way out of a fight or a bad dialogue decision or anything like that... but after I have killed every enemy in an area I tend to modify my carryweight to 6000 and pick up everything I find. Technically cheating, but the things is that I used to just return to a place time after time until all the junk was collected. I tell myself it isn't really cheating because everything tends to work out the same in the end, and the problem is that my game has a frustrating ~10% chance to crash each time I fast travel/enter a building so I like to minimize that. All the same though it feels like cheating when I do it.
How do other people deal with this sort of situation? I am not a teenager anymore so I don't have all day to do the same task 5 times for the sake of gathering junk. At the same time, if I am cheating my way through a game I may as well not play it. Very conflicted.