How do you rationalize tinkering with carryweight?

Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:54 pm

I'm conflicted about my use of the console - I never cheat my way out of a fight or a bad dialogue decision or anything like that... but after I have killed every enemy in an area I tend to modify my carryweight to 6000 and pick up everything I find. Technically cheating, but the things is that I used to just return to a place time after time until all the junk was collected. I tell myself it isn't really cheating because everything tends to work out the same in the end, and the problem is that my game has a frustrating ~10% chance to crash each time I fast travel/enter a building so I like to minimize that. All the same though it feels like cheating when I do it.

How do other people deal with this sort of situation? I am not a teenager anymore so I don't have all day to do the same task 5 times for the sake of gathering junk. At the same time, if I am cheating my way through a game I may as well not play it. Very conflicted.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 1:36 am

depends how much it breaks the challenge. Yeah I dont see much reason to have to go back and pick up junk from a previous firefight. With my 200+ stimpacks and pile of money without much to do with it it's not necessary anyway except to fulfill your hoarding fantasies. After 5 playthroughs in skyrim you get to the point where you only need to pick up jewels and other things you know are valuable. The time you save you can run through a whole new dungeon, enjoy the time and pick up more of only valuable stuff. Of course 1st you have to learn what is valuable and you need crafting materials anyway.

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carrie roche
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 7:47 pm

Well, you're not in a shared experience, so your actions have no effect on anyone. No real moral dilemma here.
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Symone Velez
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:34 am

Why don't u just get the carryweight perks? o.o U're able to run with ur action points then, if overloaded and the last level gives u the ability to fast travel.

Its exactly what u want, the ability to loot everything with danger of constant low ap and no option for sprinting.

No need to cheat, they actually handled that problem quite well.

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Batricia Alele
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:10 pm

Did your game crash that much before you started filling your inventory with thousands of thousands of items? Because in my experience, carry weight is also a nifty little way to prevent some issues that occur when a single container (your inventory included) contains many thousands of individual items.

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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:39 pm

I do the same thing. Nothing to rationalize for me. Just means I fast travel once as opposed to making multiple trips. The only thing that changes in the end is less time has passed in game.

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matt white
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:33 am

Play how you want, your the arbiter of your own enjoyment. I can understand getting more fulfilment out of scavenging everything and having more open oppertunities.

I haven't changed mine and haven't had an issue with it. That doesn't mean I don't get overweight all the time, but I enjoy that restriction. I'd played 10h before I realised most of my weight was in aid items I wasn't using like food and water.
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Kristian Perez
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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:05 am

I don't recall TBH, I should test to see if overloading myself is responsible for some of the crashes.

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Miss K
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 1:58 pm

lol , i walk around with 3000 kg thru console commands ,( get [censored] on max carry perk )

i like trading in game and have an outfit with charisma but man ... stopping in the middle of a dungeon to go back just because u don't have room on u're companion or yourself is too annoying

and for some reason i cannot leave that random steel bucket ( insert whatever trash ) lying around i just HAVE TO TAKE IT !

PS : i am running the game on an " i5 + normal hdd " so loading times on this VS " i7 + SSD " would probablly change dramatically and won't be so annoying

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:20 am

My rule with Bethesda games is "You do you". You cheat on weight, I toggle God mode when a deathclaw appears when I'm not packing appropriate firepower
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 5:21 pm

Huh. Never even thought of cheating. I load myself, and maybe my dog up. I get perks increase carry weight. I fill up until I'm overfull, and then I throw away my heaviest least-desirables and then fill up again. I then dump all the stuff (sell, workbench, etc.) and then i'm done. I don't revisit a the place because everything there now, by definition, isn't as useful as what I already have.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 5:03 am

If you want to cheat, cheat. It's your game do what you want. I just don't pick up every single item i come across and when i start getting encumbered i just start chugging booze. I think my char has been an alcoholic 18 times now. Not judging considering their situation is the mother of all mind [censored]s.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:17 pm

It is strange the things you can get "obsessed" about and feel "guilty" about when playing a game. I can totally relate, and I think many other also can, you ask yourself in a way "am I playing this the "right" way". It is annoying when you know logically it is a really stupid question, since it is a game and you are playing it as entertainment, to have fun. And I am even on the totally other spectrum you could say, I play DiD (start a new character on dying) on survival. But I can feel "guilty" if I put it down on hard, almost like I would be "cheating". In the end it is all some sort of mindgame, where we create a problems and issues where there really is none. The obvious real answer is that there is no "right" way to do anything, we all should play just the way we want and have most fun with, and not anolyse things so much. Easier said then done though for some reason I don't really know why. If someone know some easy fix on how to "free your mind" for good from this I would be all ears.

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Cat Haines
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:54 pm

Well next time your at max carryweight, drop everything, then try to rationalise how you could be hauling all of that crap and not even have a billfold bulge on your vault suit.

Obviously your pip boy is actually a mass energy converter/replicator.

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Kelly John
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 2:46 pm

I rationalize it by looking at overall item weight relative to my character's carry weight and saying "No way in hell a person can carry 300 units worth of gear.". Then drop it down to something more believable, like maybe 60 + (5 * END).

Oh, you meant in the other direction... Your game. Play it how you want. No need to rationalize anything.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 3:30 am

I have fewer issues with being overburdened in Fallout 4 than Fallout 3 or New Vegas. With settlements all over the map, there is always somewhere you can go to dump your stuff. Many items have no weight as well. I am carrying 70 fusion cores and 18000 rounds of minigun ammo, which would have been impossible in New Vegas hardcoe mode. After playing hundreds of hours of Fallout 3 years ago, I decided to start a new game and mess around with an unlimited carry weight cheat. I stopped that run about halfway through because the 25000 pounds of crap I was carrying was causing instability in the game, and most of the items were useless anyway.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 12:20 am

In this game, managing loot is easier with the deposit all junk in workbench button, so I do a mix of carry weight cheating and playing legit. I got a mod that boosts the amount of carry weight I get per strength point to 50 and boosted my base carry weight to 500. Right now, I have 3 strength and 2 ranks of lone wanderer. I have about 800 carry weight. It doesn't feel like cheating so much if you limit yourself just right and figure out what you really need to bring. Having too many items in your inventory can also really slow down your inventory UI in previous Bethesda games, so I'm avoiding that this time around.

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:12 pm

I am not conflicted. I rationalize it as a pure time-saver. It does not make the game easier, just less cumbersome. In my OCD-like desire to grab everything, clearing a building would take 10 trips. Now it takes 1 (same number of enemies and challenge).

(The number I use is 1000 - as in 1000 extra pounds of carryweight)

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:36 pm

I did the same after a short while on my first play-through. I found I was just going back and forth emptying my pockets, and there was no reason to spend time on that. While I know it is NOT RELATABLE to a videogame, I play a bit of Pen & Paper roleplay, and in such a game we'd just say "and since we're done killing everyone we spend the next days transporting all the goods back to town". That takes a whole 10 seconds to say, I don't see why I need to spend 10 minutes of gametime.

I don't view it as cheating in this game. It's shortcutting a timesink that could've been solved in another manner. I "pretend" I mark the area for sweep and retrieve after I'm done with it with my flare gun. My scavengers at the settlements are in charge of heading out and picking up all the gear I've made available for them and bring it home. At least they can do that much. However, that functionality isn't in the game, but it would be "in the world", so I'm not at all conflicted about it. It's not like caps and materials are that hard to come by anyway, it's just how you get it. I could be building a ton of water-purifiers. I just can't be bothered.

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Post » Sat Dec 05, 2015 4:28 am

Not tinkering with it :P Not judging anyone who cheats, it's a single player game so there's no rules to abide by. I just personally don't see the reason for picking up everything you find, all the useless carbage which probably ain't worth anything.

I personally pick up ONLY weapons which I can sell for atleast 90-100 caps, drugs / meds, AMMO, legendaries, stuff I need for personal use, useful/rare junk mats. I never run out of bag space mid-dungeon and my character has like 6 strength (my total carry capacity is 330lbs).

I am (LEGIT) sitting on like 32 000 caps, around 750-3000 ammo for each caliber, fully modded legendary weapons, 100-200 stimpaks, too many drugs, and a HUGE amount of settlement building mats (I mean really, like a [censored] [censored]load, hundreds of pieces of everything, even the "rare" materials) so I believe I can safely say there's absolutely no need to collect everything you find.

But that's just me, who am I to judge :) just saying...

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 3:01 pm

That would make a hell of a mod.

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Jack Moves
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:23 pm

Me? I don't rationalize it. I don't do it, either. Can't, come to that: I'm on xbox one: no console on the console.

But it doesn't *need* rationalization. It's not cheating. It's part of the product you bought.
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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:40 pm

I just don't care for using carry weight as a "challenge". I like looting and exploring.

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Alex Vincent
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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 9:46 pm

Yeah it would, wouldn't it ;) I can envision my scavvers sitting on the porch I built for them enjoying their nuka-cola and mutfruit. Thinking it's the good life. Then suddenly they hear explosions in the south, head to the 4th floor and use a modified telescope zoom in on the area. They see massive gunfights, a vertibird goes down, and then a mininuke goes of. They wait for 2 minutes in silence as the fighting is over, and then a flare goes off. They heartbeat jumps to the roof. "Let's hope he's cleared it thoroughly this time..."

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Post » Fri Dec 04, 2015 4:53 pm

I do the same, but I just imagine that I have a pack brahmin follower that carries all my loot.
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