» Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:58 am
Saying "o" or "oh" instead of "zero" is just bad practice and makes as much sense as saying "i" for "one" and "s" for "5", that they are similar in look does not make them the same thing, so you should not call a number something it is not, such as a letter.
While we are on the case, let′s abolish AM and PM too, really it may make a person feel fancy to have Latin words in his or her vocabulary but you don′t see it with any other languages, you don′t take Danish and mix it with English saying perhaps "Jeg am going to buy slik og soda" or Icelandic and say "Bíllinn broke down, svo ae I tarf to repair it" or heck let′s pick another language on google translate... Chinese! "我 hate going to 睡眠"
So why do we need to go all "Yeah the clock is five post meridiem" or "oh it′s already past midnight, in fact it′s two ante meridiem" =.= I say it′s just seventeen and then I say it′s two.
In fact let′s scrap the "o" thing, it′s far less annoying than PM and AM. But yes, zero = proper.