How do bounties work? or is there none in this game? also, where can i view my reputation
Bounties do not exist. If you commit a crime and you manage to get away safely, no one will remember it. So if you pickpocket a person on the street and manage to outrun the guards, you'll be fine.
In some situations it's fine (Few people would remember your face if you pickpocketed somebody in a crowded area) but in others, like killing every citizen you see, it is strange to get away with it if you're not caught.

If the guards are pursuing you, be careful. The first hit you get affects your reputation, because you get caught. It is bug, though. Because the hit can come from anything. If you fall off a roof and hurt yourself, you'll get the "Do you surrender to the guard?" message. Or if a rat hits you.
Should you surrender, you are brought to court and your reputation will be affected by it. To view the reputation, click on the compass or press the associated hotkey. (Check the Controls option to see it)
Checking your reputation is also useful because the text also states what time it is, where you are and, most importantly, if you have a disease. Sometimes you might miss the "I feel bad" text and not notice you are diseased.
Reputation is unique to every province. So if you are banned from a province, simply go to another and continue your crime spree there.

Playing as a criminal has always been my favourite type of characters in any RPGs. I wish future ES titles would bring the court system back, instead of the silly Fines in Morrowind and Oblivion, where any wealthy criminal can get away safely with mass murders.