My name is Davor. I have been so teased about it. Even in advlt life, I still have to go through it. Most of it is because people are bigoted and racist about it. Maybe not in your part of the world, but here in Canada, and USA, if you don't have an North American English name, you were picked on, and poeple look at you differently. Now in these times it's more understanding with people with different names, but not when I grew up. Children, advlts, most of them were all the same, most of them all had that smirk that they were better than me because of my name was forieng.
Hell, it doesn't even have to be all that exotic. My name's Jose. I always got picked on and people told me that even though I was the smartest kid in the class I'd still only grow up to be a gardener.
I have a few issues with this. I sublimate them through stabbing inanimate objects repeatedly with a knife.
Whenever I thought I did something that made me look like The Man with No Name, people would act like I was just Tuco and I did something funny. Just because of a name. It doesn't matter what you do, people tend to not let you escape your name. For longer than I can say, I've wanted to change my name to just Joseph. But I decided that [censored] it, I'm sticking with Jose. I'm not a pansy. Let people think what they will of me, and let my actions speak for themselves.
...On another note. Seriously. Anatolia. It's a better Turkish name than Meltem, at least in my opinion.
EDIT: I just noticed that we've pretty much just made Deutschland's life better. FEEL COOL, BGSF. FEEL COOL.