» Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:11 am
When you hear a name, most of the time you're instantly able to determine the ethnicity of the person who has that name. It's not something you consciously do, it's just one of the bits of information you process when hearing it, like whether or not it's a girl or boy's name. You may not always be right, but you're just going on what the social norm is. The problem I see with this name is that if you didn't tell me, I would have no clue where to begin figuring out what culture your daughter is from. That's a problem because people may wind up focusing on the name too much, instead of on your daughter. Instead of your brain instantly connecting it to a certain culture or ethnicity, you actually have to ponder for a bit on it's origins. This is also a problem because your daughter wont actually be Turkish, so even if people do figure out the origin, it doesn't even matter. And as far as I can tell, people don't generally name their kids after an ethnicity or culture they're not a part of. I could be wrong but that's just what I've observed. So while I'm not saying you shouldn't name your daughter something exotic, I think this name is just too exotic, in my opinion anyway.